【禁聞】中紅會疑涉利益輸送 報導被速刪
















採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/葛雷

China Red Cross Swindling Donations?

China Red Cross runs into another crisis recently after the
incident of its celebrity Guo Meimei was arrested for gambling.
Chinese media exposed that a warehouse that cost more than
100 million yuan to build for storing relief supplies was leased
out by China Red Cross at a low price for private business purposes.

This corrupt commercialism of a relief supplies warehouse
is not surprising since China Red Cross is controlled by the
CCP and is certainly harboring the same corrupt characteristics.

The Chinese Internet portal, Tencent Finance, revealed in its
Aug. 18 report that the first national disaster preparedness
and response center belonged to the China Red Cross (CRC).

And it was built four years ago in the Shunyi District of Beijing.

But this center has not been properly used.

The report quoted informed sources as saying that the CRC
leases the warehouse to a purse company in Beijing at a yearly
rate of 900,000 yuan in the guise of a donation to CRC.

The purse company subleases the warehouse to various logistics
companies such as DHL at the market price of 4.5 million
yearly rate. The net profit is a staggering 3.6 million yuan.

Why can the purse company rent the center at such a cheap
Public information of the purse company revealed that the
company was established in March 2012 with registered capital
of 1 million yuan funded by Wei Zhonghua and Kan Qian.

It is suspected of being a bogus company. The two registered
addresses were fake.
Kan Qian and Wei Zhonghua are respectively, the deputy
director and director of Red Culture fund management department
of China Foundation for the Development of Social Culture.

Former Hebei People's Radio Editor Zhu Xinxin: "Most of the
international charities are run by civil society groups.
It is spontaneous and voluntary and there is a mutual
supervision with an open and transparent mechanism.
In China, however, the majority of charitable organizations
are officially controlled.
It is inevitable that they are contaminated with varying degrees of
privilege. The corrupt authoritarian will exploit the charity
to seek private profit."

CRC vice president Zhao Beige explained tht the rental was
meant to solve the insufficient fund to "feed so many employees."
But the low leasing rate is suspected
of transferring of interest.

It is understood that the Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection has investigated the incident.

Activist Zhang Haitao: "China Red Cross is a piracy.

It does not belong to the International Red Cross and it does
not obey the management of the International Red Cross, such as
financial disclosure and transparent management.

China Red Cross is an unregulated institution.
Under this premise, problems are bound to happen."

The CRC's violation of leasing the relief center was quickly
and widely reported following Tencent's report.
But, within just a few hours, all relevant reports were deleted
from online media because of its relation to the Red Culture
Foundation which is under the CCP propaganda agency.

Chinese netizens commented that the CRC has become the
China Black Cross, which is hopeless and can no longer pass
the buck to Guo Meimei.

The Hunan native Guo Meimei started to show off her mansion,
sports cars, designer bags, and so forth in June 2011 on the Internet.
She was identified as being the China Red Cross commercial
general manager.
She is suspected of having misappropriated donations,
and triggered uproar.

Zhang Haitao: "Guo Meimei's case has exposed many problems
of China Red Cross.
But CRC has more problems than just the Guo Meimei incident.

The relief center's news was exposed, but only online.
None of the print media dare to report it. Even the online report
was blocked.

That tells us that the CRC does not dare to be open and transparent
or accept people's supervision."

Former China Pacific Insurance Group officer Li Xuehui
points out, political scandals are immense in China.

Li Xuehui: "Even things surrounding me consist of many
shady realities.
Once, we required the Ministry of Finance to disclose
information on the funding assistance project to North Korea.
It was later concluded: Confidential and filing to court.
But, the hearing never took place.
This society is plainly evil, with 95 percent of deception
and 5 percent of violence.
China Red Cross scandal is no scandal
compared to the political scandals."

Recently, CCP media such as Xinhua, People's Daily, CCTV
engaged in detailed reports on Guo Meimei's prostitution,
gambling, and being a mistress.

It is believed to be a white wash of the CRC.

Netizens also suspect that the party media's reports of Guo Meimei
were simply diverting the focus off the domestic disasters:
such as Xinjiang Xinjiang violence, Kunshan explosion,
Xiangtan self-immolation, and Yunnan earthquake.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/GeLei