【禁聞】獨立影展被禁 百人簽法律呼籲書

【新唐人2014年08月25日訊】獨立影展被禁 百人簽法律呼籲書





戴耀廷警告 不合理決定將致佔中




山東業主維權 與開發商火拚




Independent Film Festival Blocked

The 11th Beijing Independent Film Festival, originally
scheduled from August 23 to 31 in Beijing Songzhuang,
has been forced to cancel by Beijing Tongzhou District police.

According to the VOA report on August 23 afternoon,
the secretary of the CCP Political Science and Law
Shi Baoyu jumped off the wall to enter the office of the
sponsor Film Fund and forcibly confiscated all computers,
nearly a decade of image data and account books, etc.

They also f orcibly took the Film Fund founder, Li Xianting,
and artistic director, Wang Hongwei, to the police station.

After a few hours of Songzhuang artists group solidarity,
Li Xianting and Wang Hongwei were released.

Currently, the event has caused great concern in the mainland
intelligentsia, legal profession, and arts and literature world.

August 23, mainland Chinese lawyers observation center
founder, Zhao Guojun, launched online joint signature
activity for a legal appeal regarding the ban on
the Songzhuang Independent Film Exhibition.

More than one hundred scholars, writers, lawyers and
artists signed within 10 hours.

The Beijing Independent Film Show was founded in 2006,
and has developed into an independent film festival,
repeatedly halted by the authorities.

Daiyao Ting Warns Beijing

For Beijing authorities’ hard attitude on Hong Kong political
reform, one promoter of Hong Kong peaceful Central Occupy
movement, Dai Yaoting, warned on August 23rd if the CCP
Standing Committee can’t make a reasonable decision
on Hong Kong Chief Executive universal suffrage in 2017,
the Occupy Central will be fully activated.

According to Radio France Internationale report, Dai Yaoting
said if the CCP Standing Committee decides more than half
the nominations in the Nominating Committee or
limits the number of candidates for the chief executive,
there is no room for maneuver.

They will deploy again and again uncooperative action and final
comprehensive Occupy Central.

The report said that the Hong Kong Federation of Students,
Civil Human Rights Front, Scholarism, manpower,
other organizations and groups, and
members of the Pan-democracy camp, all
support Dai Yaoting’s final ultimatum to Beijing authorities.

Shandong Owners Safeguard Legal Rights

August 23, Jinan city Hengshengwangshan property owners
protest that property rights have shrunk from 70 to 40 years,
and developers sell houses at lower prices.

They fought with the thugs hired by the developers,
resulting in many injured.

Later, a large number of owners demonstrated
for several hours blocking the road with banners
and nearly 300 police officers were deployed at the scene.

According to disclosure by a netizen witness,
developers’ thugs and owners fought amid a scene
of extreme confusion.

The police were just standing on the side.

Edit/Zhou Yulin