





美國中文雜誌《中國事務》主編伍凡:「 大概我看估計兩個因素:一個是內部鬥爭一直沒有停止。把他的姑丈殺了,下面的人擺不平,他自己又再陷入到內鬥裡去了﹔第二個因素,有的人講他吃得太多了,生病了。」






今年7月,中共總書記習近平出訪了韓國,打破了中共領導人 「先訪平壤、後訪首爾」的慣例。



國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)統計的《朝鮮貿易國別構成》 中,與朝鮮有貿易關係的十多個國家中, 對中貿易份額佔55%,是排名第二的印度的6倍左右。




採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/李勇

North Korean TV Admits Kim Jong-un's Health Issue

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was surprisingly absent
on Thursday at the second session
of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly
in which national defense leadership was adjusted .
State media later admitted Kim
has been 'suffering discomfort.'

In the parliament meeting on Sept. 25, political re-shuffling
took place.
Vice Marshal Choe Ryong-hae and defense minister
Jang Jong-nam were both removed from their military posts.
Hwang Pyong-so, the vice minister of the Central Committee
of Korean Workers' Party, was appointed vice chairman
of the country's powerful National Defense Commission,
becoming the new second in command in the nation.

But, Kim Jong-un was not present in this major meeting.

This is the first time he would have missed the meeting since
taking power in December 2011, said Voice of America.

North Korean TV finally acknowledged Kim Jong-un
is 'suffering discomfort.'
He was last seen on TV on Sept. 3, according to Reuters.

He had been seen walking with a limp on the 20th anniversary
of North Korean Kim Il-sung's death.

China Affairs magazine editor-in-chief Chris Wu: "I see two
factors— one is the internal struggle has not stopped since
his uncle was killed; the other is as some people said,
he has been ill for eating too much."

The 31-year-old Kim Jong-un killed his uncle Jang Sung-taek
last December.
Jang Sung-taek, the vice chairman of the National Defense
Commission, received death sentence on the charges
of conspiracy to engage in acts of subversion of state.
It was said that the Jang family were also wiped out.

After Jang was executed, Choe Ryong-hae had become
Kim Jong-un's military second-in-command.
But in just few months, Choe Ryong-hae was replaced
by Kim』s close aid, Hwang Pyong-so,
who has no military background.

KCNA reported last December, Kim Jong-un has tried to kill
his half-brother Kim Jong-nam, and purged five of the 7 main
senior cadres his father had left him.
The remaining two were both in their 80s.

Chris Wu indicates, Kim Jong-un is just like his father
and grandfather.
He kills even the ones at his service in order
to defend the Kim dynasty.

National Chengchi University College of International Affairs
Professor Ding Shuh-Fan indicates Beijing would have known
DPRK the best. but since Jang Sung-taek was killed,
the connection between Beijing and North Korea deteriorated.

This July, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General
Secretary Xi Jinping visited South Korea, and broke
the custom of Chinese leaders' 'visit to Pyongyang first,
Seoul later.'

The Japanese analyst has pointed out Xi Jinping's displeased
with Kim Jong-un's order to execute Jang Sung-taek.
Consequently, North Korean requests for Kim Jong-un's visit
to China were rejected, and the CCP 39th Army
of the Shenyang Military Region was deployed
to the Changbai Mountain area, at the border of North Korea,
according to Hong Kong's newspaper, Ta Kung Pao's report.

However, North Korea is still dependent on the CCP's support.

International Monetary Fund's report showed among
the trading countries of DPRK, 55 percent of their trade
is reliant upon on China, six times more than India,
its second largest trade country.

Chen Long-Shan, Center for Northeast Asia Studies of Jilin
Province Research Center, said DPRK has survived mainly
because the CCP has not only ignored sanctions, but also
supplied food and oil, reported Phoenix Weekly.

According to JoongAng Ilbo report on July 5, 2012, the CCP
provided $100 billion in aid to DPRK over the past 30 years.

As to why the CCP supports DPRK, there could be a fall out
at any time.
Commentator Xing Tianxing said in her article:
Because their surnames are both 'Communist.'
The CCP's foreign aid has never been for the national interest
or the people's welfare, but for the system
of communist ideology.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/LiYong