採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/
Chinese Police Accused Of Falsely Imprisoning The Innocent
The persecution of Falun Gong has been continuing in
China since 1999.
State Security Captain, Shi Liandong, from Sanhe City,
Hebei Province was accused of conducting illegal arrests
and forcible brainwash on four Falun Gong practitioners,
according to Minghui.org.
Six lawyers were recently commissioned to send out bills
of indictment on his act of unlawful imprisonment.
On April 22, Falun Gong practitioners Kang Jingtai,
Ma Weishan, Wen Jie, Wang Zhanqing
were respectively kidnapped.
Their homes were looted.
On May 13, Sanhe City State Security Captain, Shi Liandong,
ordered the forced brainwash at Langfang brainwashing center.
This incident has been exposed online since then.
More than 300 people have appealed for the release
of the four innocently imprisoned victims.
Recently, six lawyers on behalf of the four victims filed a
lawsuit against Shi Liandong for his unlawful imprisonment.
Lawyers indicate, the freedom of belief is violated in this case.
It is an injustice about constitutional conducts that were
subject to punishment of unconstitutional law and regulation.
Beijing lawyer Li Chunfu (client: Kang Jingtai): "The reason
why we accept the case of beliefs is that we want the society
to become better; no one should be arrested for their beliefs."
The four victims are: Former Sanhe City Hospital physician
Kang Jingtai, the former art teacher of the third high school
of Sanhe City, Wang Zhanqing, Qiqihar City National High
School teacher, Wen Jie and the elderly Ma Weishan.
Under Chinese law, these Falun Gong practitioners should have
been released, but were illegally detained and brainwashed.
Among them, the prosecutors have illegally arrested
Wang Zhanqing and Wen Jie and unlawfully imprisoned them
for 68 days and 77 days, respectively.
Ma Weishan and Kang Jingtai remain under illegal house arrest
after they were unlawfully detained for
62 days and 68 days, respectively.
Beijing Lawyer Wang Yu: "My client was kept in the black jail
for about two months, with no formality or concrete reasons.
Families and friends were looking for them everywhere,
not knowing their whereabouts.
This is obviously illegal, an unlawful imprisonment."
Report of Minghui.org indicates that Shi Liandong has
conducted unlawful imprisonment of 4 Falun Gong practitioners.
It is a violation of the provisions of Article 238 of
China's Criminal Law.
Shi Liandong should be held accountable for his crimes.
On Nov. 15, a joint indictment by six lawyers on behalf of the
victims has been delivered to local
Public Security Bureaus and Procuratorates.
Lawyer Li Chunfu: "My client Kang Jingtai and 3 other victims
have not committed any crimes under the current laws.
China laws do not classify Falun Gong as a cult,
the charge is absolutely lawless.
We believe our clients are innocent."
Lawyer Wang Yu: "Suppression of beliefs is very serious in
China, especially towards Falun Gong.
There are several judicial interpretations regarding this
case, such as the law does not say that Falun Gong is a cult,
from the definition of law and all evidence,
nothing has constituted a crime."
All four parties said they had no personal grudges
to the relevant judicial personnel at all levels,
and their acts were all legitimate.
What they are doing is to passively safeguard their
fundamental rights conferred by law.
That is to investigate the ill-natured persecution and hold
the persons who are liable for their crimes accountable.
Interview/TianJing Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/
採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/
Chinese Police Accused Of Falsely Imprisoning The Innocent
The persecution of Falun Gong has been continuing in
China since 1999.
State Security Captain, Shi Liandong, from Sanhe City,
Hebei Province was accused of conducting illegal arrests
and forcible brainwash on four Falun Gong practitioners,
according to Minghui.org.
Six lawyers were recently commissioned to send out bills
of indictment on his act of unlawful imprisonment.
On April 22, Falun Gong practitioners Kang Jingtai,
Ma Weishan, Wen Jie, Wang Zhanqing
were respectively kidnapped.
Their homes were looted.
On May 13, Sanhe City State Security Captain, Shi Liandong,
ordered the forced brainwash at Langfang brainwashing center.
This incident has been exposed online since then.
More than 300 people have appealed for the release
of the four innocently imprisoned victims.
Recently, six lawyers on behalf of the four victims filed a
lawsuit against Shi Liandong for his unlawful imprisonment.
Lawyers indicate, the freedom of belief is violated in this case.
It is an injustice about constitutional conducts that were
subject to punishment of unconstitutional law and regulation.
Beijing lawyer Li Chunfu (client: Kang Jingtai): "The reason
why we accept the case of beliefs is that we want the society
to become better; no one should be arrested for their beliefs."
The four victims are: Former Sanhe City Hospital physician
Kang Jingtai, the former art teacher of the third high school
of Sanhe City, Wang Zhanqing, Qiqihar City National High
School teacher, Wen Jie and the elderly Ma Weishan.
Under Chinese law, these Falun Gong practitioners should have
been released, but were illegally detained and brainwashed.
Among them, the prosecutors have illegally arrested
Wang Zhanqing and Wen Jie and unlawfully imprisoned them
for 68 days and 77 days, respectively.
Ma Weishan and Kang Jingtai remain under illegal house arrest
after they were unlawfully detained for
62 days and 68 days, respectively.
Beijing Lawyer Wang Yu: "My client was kept in the black jail
for about two months, with no formality or concrete reasons.
Families and friends were looking for them everywhere,
not knowing their whereabouts.
This is obviously illegal, an unlawful imprisonment."
Report of Minghui.org indicates that Shi Liandong has
conducted unlawful imprisonment of 4 Falun Gong practitioners.
It is a violation of the provisions of Article 238 of
China's Criminal Law.
Shi Liandong should be held accountable for his crimes.
On Nov. 15, a joint indictment by six lawyers on behalf of the
victims has been delivered to local
Public Security Bureaus and Procuratorates.
Lawyer Li Chunfu: "My client Kang Jingtai and 3 other victims
have not committed any crimes under the current laws.
China laws do not classify Falun Gong as a cult,
the charge is absolutely lawless.
We believe our clients are innocent."
Lawyer Wang Yu: "Suppression of beliefs is very serious in
China, especially towards Falun Gong.
There are several judicial interpretations regarding this
case, such as the law does not say that Falun Gong is a cult,
from the definition of law and all evidence,
nothing has constituted a crime."
All four parties said they had no personal grudges
to the relevant judicial personnel at all levels,
and their acts were all legitimate.
What they are doing is to passively safeguard their
fundamental rights conferred by law.
That is to investigate the ill-natured persecution and hold
the persons who are liable for their crimes accountable.
Interview/TianJing Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/