【禁聞】香港旺角清場 黃之峰岑敖暉被捕

【新唐人2014年11月27日訊】香港旺角清場 黃之峰岑敖暉被捕













Hong Kong Police Arrest Occupy Movement Leaders

Nov. 26 is the second day of Hong Kong police carrying out
the injunction to clear blocks at the Mongkok occupied area.

On the previous day, mass conflicts between police and
civilians resulted in one hundred arrests.

Following that, conflicts continued at Nathan Road when
police cleared the area. At least 32 people were arrested.

Founder of student activist group Scholarism Joshua Wong
and deputy secretary-general of the Hong Kong Federation
of Students (HKFS) Lester Shum, both leaders of the occupy
movement, were also detained by police.

Lai Man-lok, spokesman of Scholarism, said on facebook
that Wong was violently treated when being arrested.

Hong Kong police charged Wong for obstructing
government administration and contempt of court.

Wong's lawyer said Wong had completed his testimony,
in which he denied both accusations.

On the afternoon that Wong and Shum were arrested, HKFS
released a statement stating their grievances.

They were responding against the violent clearing actions
by Hong Kong police.

HKFS said, the Hong Kong government must stop using
retroactive or even mafia-like measures.

Or they may be forced to take actions at the next stage.

Seven Hong Kong Police Arrested as Suspects in
Beating Pro-democracy Protester

Hong Kong police released an announcement simultaneously
with its clearing moves at Mongkok.

The announcement said 7 police officers were arrested as
suspects of beating a protester on Oct. 15 at Admiralty.

The victim protester was Ken Tsang, who was subjected to
bodily harm in the incident.

The announcement said, there was no intentional delay
in tackling the case.

The arrest warrant was issued according to progress
made in legal procedures.

Over 40 days ago, social worker Ken Tsang was taken to a
dark corner by police when he protested at Admiralty.

Tsang was beaten by police officers and the incident
was filmed and broadcast by a local television station.

Tibetans Jointly Appeal to UN Commissioner Against
Chinese Regime Human Rights Abuses

A group of at least 20 Tibetans recently wrote a joint letter
to Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein.

The Prince is the current United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights.

The letter asked Prince Zeid to seriously investigate Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) human rights abuses in Tibet.

A Voice of America report said, the letter was signed by
Tibetan writers, educators and former political prisoners.

In the letter, they gave a list of issues, which they expected
to bring to Prince Zeid's attention.

The letter also warned the new commissioner to be very
careful not to fall into "traps" prepared by CCP officials.

The Tibetans said, the letter was written to voice their
concern over the lack of freedom in Tibet.

They also want to raise awareness of the environmental
problems in the region caused by the CCP.

Edit/Zhou Yulin