【禁聞】拒英議員入境香港 中共怕甚麼?


今年是《中英聯合聲明》發表30週年。英國下議院外委會成員原計劃12月中訪問香港,就《中英聯合聲明》簽署30年後的港英關係展開調查,調查內容包括《聯合聲明》和《基本法》的執行情況,以及香港政改內容等。不過,外委會主席奧塔韋(Sir Richard Ottaway)11月28號接獲中共駐英使館公使倪堅的通知,委員會將被拒絕入境香港。












採訪/秦雪、熊斌 編輯/陳潔

British Councilor Refused Entry to Hong Kong.
What Is Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Afraid Of?

At the end of November, the members of the House of
Commons Foreign Affairs Committee member who wanted to
investigate the China-UK Joint Statement implementation was
refused entry to Hong Kong by Chinese authorities.

The triggered storm has caused continuous problems.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said that the CCP's move
can only amplify international concern on the current political
status in Hong Kong.

It's analyzed that the CCP is attempting to conceal its
suppression on Occupy Central.

This year is the 30 anniversary of the
Joint Declaration publication.

British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee members
had planned to visit Hong Kong in mid-December.

They wanted to investigate the relationship between the
British and Hong Kong, the implementation of the
Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, as well as the
Hong Kong political reform situation.

However, on Nov. 28, the committee chairman
Sir Richard Ottaway received notice from the the deputy
Chinese ambassador to London, Ni Jian that the Commission
will be refused entry to Hong Kong.

Ma Ngok, Chinese University of Hong Kong Government and
Public Administration Department Associate Professor: It's a
very rude way for Hong Kong to deny entry.

There is no strong reason to refuse foreign parliamentarians'
visiting from a diplomatic view.

Actually, the British government and Congress have a
responsibility to investigate the Joint Declaration
implementation situation in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong writer Zhang Chengjue: Obviously, they want to
conceal the bad behavior in violating universal values and
don't want more countries or international opinion to know
the actual situation.

Although it's futile according to modern technology, however,
the CCP will automatically do it due to its black box nature,
blocking the truth, or fooling the masses.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying at
a regular press conference on Dec. 1: Hong Kong affairs
fall entirely within China's domestic affairs.

China has on many occasions stated its opposition to the
interference in Hong Kong affairs by any foreign government,
institution or individual.

Hangzhou freelance writer Wang Wusi: Whatever they do, they
just find a good looking reason, with an invalid base.

Hong Kong people can say they interfere in Hong Kong internal
affairs according to the logic of interfering in
mainland Chinese internal affairs.

These are all excuses!

British Prime Minister David Cameron's spokesman told the
media that it's a mistake for the Chinese authorities to
refuse a visit by British Members of Parliament (MP).

It only serves to amplify concerns about the situation in Hong
Kong, rather than diminishing concerns.

Chengjue Zhang: It will be counter-productive.

It will become a public hotspot if you don't allow
people to investigate.

They should handle it low key.

The high-profile accusation in the press conference can only
make things worse.

Plus they do it holding the logic of who am I afraid of since
I am a rogue.

You can tell they just make people see their face
more clearly, that's it.

According to a Bloomberg report on Nov. 2, in fact, the
British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee delegation
announced the Hong Kong trip plan in July, which was before
the Hong Kong Occupy Central.

Now, the CCP refuse entry because hundreds of protesters
still remain on the street.

The CCP has concerns that the formal British visit will be
looked upon as support for the Hong Kong protest.

Ottaway told the BBC that they won't give up the investigation
under CCP pressure and cancel the schedule to listen to
Hong Kong people's views.

According to Hong Kong Ming Pao report, Ottaway pointed out
that under the Basic Law, the entry should be decided by
the Hong Kong Immigration Department.

Ottaway told NHK that China's response "amounts to saying the
joint declaration is null and void" and might affect various
negotiations Britain has with Beijing.

Ma Ngok: Britain thinks, as a signatory of the
Joint Declaration, it should at least have the right to see
what is going on in Hong Kong.

On the other hand, according to Basic Law, Hong Kong is able
to decide who can enter Hong Kong who cannot which has now
become the Chinese authorities exercising this power.

It's a different way to the UK based way on Joint Declaration
and Basic Law.

According to the British Financial Times report, on the 2nd
that afternoon, the British House of Commons called on an
emergency debate on the CCPs denial of entry.

Each member has condemned the Communist authorities.

Sir Richard told the House of Commons: This sends a clear
threat that the pledge that Hong Kong would enjoy a high
degree of autonomy is now under threat.

He added that the move by Beijing would be seen as
"an attack on the free world".

Interview/QinXue,XiongBin Edit/ChenJie