【禁聞】陸教師工資低 罷課討薪各地蔓延









依蘭縣多名教師冒著零下24度的嚴寒,聚集在依蘭縣政府前廣場上,打出「依蘭4000教師維權 要求返還剋扣工薪」的橫幅,高喊「還我工資,反對剋扣,堅持到底,明天繼續」的口號。








採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美

Strikes For Higher Wages Spreading Among Teachers In China

For the past few weeks, tens of thousands of teachers
have been going on strike in China to protest against
low wages and compulsory pension.

Some teachers reveal on the internet that their allowance
is only half of what others receive in other areas.

Neither have they received any subsidies for housing.

With over ten years of work experience, they are only
receiving slightly more than 2000 yuan ($US 324) a month.

On the 7th December at the 3rd World Congress for Chinese
Education, Qiu Yuanping, director of State Council of Chinese
Overseas Affairs, stated his hope to implement systematic
retraining for 30,000 Chinese teachers in the next 3 years.

In contrast to the huge funding that the various
"Confucious Institutes" overseas are receiving from the CCP's
Ministry of Education, the teachers within China
are not so "blessed".

Over the past year, there are a large number of teachers
going on strike in China.

In the recent weeks alone, there are already tens of thousands
of teachers on strike in the North East regions of China.

They protested against low wages and the
compulsory pension scheme.

They fought for their rights to a meagre salary
against the local governments.

Director of Shenzhen city Chunfeng labour dispute advisory
services, Zhang Zhiru:

These parades by the teachers are the results of years of
neglect and dissatisfaction.

The local governments are doing a very poor job.

We have teachers here that hold very strong opinions.

Not long ago, primary and secondary school teachers from
Zhaodong county, Suihua city, of Heilongjiang province stopped
teaching to demand for salaries from the government.

Local teachers complained that their remunerations
were too low.

They are receiving more than a thousand yuan ($US 162) less
than what their counterparts are receiving in other areas.

Amidst the protests, party secretary of Zhaodong county,
Zhao Shengli, was dispatched as a site coordinator.

He explained to the teachers at the scene of protest that
their wage rate has always been following the
unified standards of the province.

However, contributions to health insurance, pension
and provident funds are deducted from wages monthly
as opposed to yearly from other areas.

This is why their monthly wages appear less compared
to what others are receiving.

However, teachers are not satisfied with this explanation.

The strike by 8,000 teachers from Heilongjiang Zhaodong
county started a ripple effect.

In less than 2 weeks, the strikes have spread to Shuangcheng,
Yilang, Shangzhi, Binxian, Bayan, Fangzheng, Wudalianchi
and other areas in Heilongjiang province.

Strikes in Yilan county are still presently ongoing.

Teachers from Yilan county braved the cold of -24C (-11.2F)
and gathered at the square in front of
local government quarters.

They raised banners reading: 4000 teachers from Yilan
demand return of deducted wages.

They also shouted slogans such as:
Return my wages, and stop the deduction.

We will persist to the end, and we will continue tomorrow.

On Dec. 4, thousands of teachers gathered in front of
City Hall in Henan Province Yuzhou county.

They emphatically stated that they are working in a
noble profession, but are receiving a low wage.

Mr Chen from Yuzhou county: Really, the wages are rather low.

I have worked for 30 years, but I am only receiving
a monthly salary of 2400 yuan ($US 389).

With a performance bonus, I get about 2700 ($US 437).

It is really quite difficult.

Another Mr Wang: We have not received any
performance bonus for the last two years.

The government promised that they will make-up for it
within 3 years and that they will return half a year's worth
of backlog before the end of this year.

It has been difficult because there are many teachers.

According to Radio Free Asia strikes among teachers
have spread even further to Jinyun County of Lishui City
in Zhejiang Province.

In an interview conducted by Radio Free Asia, economics
professor Hu Xingdou from Beijing Institute of Technology
said that there are two reasons for low wages among
secondary and primary school teachers.

First, they are a vulnerable group without a voice.

Secondly, governments on all levels do not actually place
much emphasis on education.

Even though China historically believes that education leads
to national prosperity, it is not a high priority in practice.

China's spending on education took up less than 3% of
national GDP in the last few years.

Currently, it is at 4% while the world average is at around 5%.

In China, teaching has always been a profession that
is low paid.

In an open letter published online, teachers from Yilan county
revealed that teachers with more than 20 years of teaching
experience only receive 2000 odd yuan ($US 324) a month.

The salary of new teachers is even more "pitiable",
at less than 1000 yuan ($US 162).

Interview/TianJing Edit/Huang Yimei