【禁聞】南水北調進京 是福還是禍?


















採訪/易如 編輯/李明飛 後製/鍾元

South Water Diverted to Beijing—A Blessing or a Curse?

Beijing has recently started receiving water through
the South-North (S-N) Water Diversion project—a result of
50 years of studies and 12 years of construction.

Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to
step up its publicity efforts, the "vanity project" has been
conflicted with controversy from the start,
it being similar to the Three Gorges Dam project.

Experts say the S-N Water Diversion poses far greater risks
than the Three Gorges and is set to become the scourge of
the Central Plains.

The CCP's official media reported on Dec. 27, 2014 that
a water gate at the south end of a major channel from
Tuan Cheng Lake had been lifted, setting in motion Phase 1
of the S-N Water Diversion’s middle route for Beijing City.

The report says the "southern water" will supply Beijing with
1.05-billion cubic-meters of water annually.

As well as Yanqing County, all other 15 counties and districts
of Beijing will be supplied with the southern drinking water.

The project's middle route extracts water from Danjiangkou
Reservoir at the border between Hubei and Henan Province,
and passes through both provinces before reaching Beijing
and Tianjin.

The Chinese authorities have been continuing to increase
their publicity efforts by getting various "experts" to verify
the advantages of the project and whitewash the dangers.

However, public opinion shows considerable concern over
the project’s feasibility and its ecological impact.

When a number of overseas media reported on the project,
they all cited the data from Mainland China, saying that
the middle route of the Diverting South Water to North
project had cost up to 33-billion US dollars.

With the exchange rate of 6.2,
this approximates to 205-billion yuan.

When the project started in 2003, Xinhua News net disclosed
that Phase 1 of the project’s middle route was planned to
cost 92-billion yuan—meaning the actual cost on completion
was more than twice the amount of the initial budget.

Foreign media invariably mentioned that due to the reduced
rainfall in southern China, the water diversion could only be
considered a temporary fix for water shortages in the north.

Deutsche Welle quoted Assistant Professor Britt Crow-Miller
from Portland State University in Oregon, saying that
such a development pattern of postponing the negative
consequences to the future is very short-sighted.

Meanwhile, severe water pollution along the diversion route
may deem the water unusable by the time it reaches north.

Zhang Junfeng, Beijing Environmentalist and Founder of
Journey for Loving Water: "From the perspective of ecology,
potential impacts on areas where the water is taken from,
is much larger than those where the water is diverted to,
and the impact is long-lasting; under artificial conditions
the natural process and evolution is undoubtedly disturbed."

On Dec. 19, American netizen, Mark Ann, who holds a PhD
in physics, published a review that questioned the diversion
project from multiple levels, such as on water pollution,
sand siltation and economic benefits.

Mark Ann concluded that the project would eventually fail,
which sparked widespread concern from mainland Chinese,
who forwarded the article widely.

Chinese Central TV (CCTV), Xinhua News and other official
CCP media followed the increasing publicity efforts,
using the mouths of various experts to refute negativity
and prove that the project will not "fall by the wayside".

Chinese environmentalist, Wang Weiluo, who lives in
Germany, says it's typical for the CCP to ban criticism.

Wang Weiluo: "The CCP doesn't like to listen to opposition;
it looks for some intellectuals who will positively interpret
and support its decisions, while offering some so-called
‘scientific evidence’ to prove how correct the CCP is."

“The intellectuals are also pursuing fame and self-interest
and they can get these, as long as they praise the CCP."

Wang Weiluo says the diversion channel offers no shipping,
but will be used as a means of propaganda.

Wang Weiluo: "Having an open channel that doesn't serve
any shipping functions is the worst choice."

"But an open channel aqueduct can be good for TV shots,
photos and aerial shots—the CCP uses these to show off;
with underground pipes, you can’t see anything."

Wang Weiluo says such a dramatic inter-basin water transfer
project violates the concept of sustainable development.

The Water Diversion Project transfers such a huge amount of
water from the Han River to northern China, that it equates
to plundering the resources needed for future development
of the southern regions.

It can lead to serious consequences during periods of
flooding and drought.

The project poses greater risks and threatens wider areas
than the Three Gorges Project; it's likely to become
the scourge of the Central Plains.

Interview/YiRu Edit/Li Mingfei Post-Production/ZhongYuan