【禁聞】倒奶殺牛蔓延大陸 誰是背後推手?

















採訪/田淨 編輯/張天宇

Pouring away milk and slaughtering cows spreads across China

Mainland China's dairy market suffers "winter" again.

Since the end of last year, there has been a sharp decline
in the amount of milk bought and prices paid
by the milk enterprises.

A large swath of dairy farmers in Shandong,
Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and Guangdong
prevalently "pour milk and slaughter the cows".

The trend is expanding to the entire country,
causing social concern.
So what is the driving force behind this storm?
Let's have a look.

At the beginning of this year, an outbreak of
"pouring milk slaughtering cows" is booming
in a large area around Mainland China.

Many medium and small-scale dairy farmers
and individual dairy farmers were saddened and informed
the media how they suffered.

Because the major milk enterprises refused to purchase
their milk with a variety of excuses, dairy farmers have
had to pour away the milk which could not be sold,
in order to avoid greater losses.
Because much of the milk was poured down the river,
in some areas rivers even ran white.

Moreover, huge farming costs and expensive feedstuff,
forced the devastated farmers, who could not afford
the new low milk price and lower quantity bought,
to sell the cows regardless of the losses,
and even reluctantly to slaughter the cows.

Mr. Chang is a dairy farmer in Tianjin and he says:
"Milk cannot be sold out, even at 50 cents half kilogram it
cannot be sold. Now, the milk enterprises tell us our milk
is not qualified, either by this indicator, or that indicator.
I sold the cows I had raised for 13 years.

I sold all of the cows. Our (animal husbandry) district
is yellow (collapsed), and all cows were sold,
no way except to sell.
Otherwise, we may lose more money and much more."

So, what's the reason for China milk enterprises
to refuse to purchase the fresh milk?
Experts point out that international raw milk prices
continue to fall, and an uncontrolled influx of imported
dairy products caused the relative excess
and weakened the domestic milk market.
These are all the indirect reasons which cause
"pouring milk and slaughtering cows".

Zhang Dongfang, Deputy Director of Animal Science
and Heilongjiang Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Institute: "Some milk industries have oversupplied milk,
with a possible existence of a backlog of goods.
Or the import of cheaper milk powder
has led to rejecting the purchase of fresh milk.
Furthermore the country has no security against this."

The outbreak of the Sanlu melamine milk scandal in 2008
caused a crisis of confidence in the dairy industry.
Due to the concerns about the quality of domestic milk,
many consumers looked instead to foreign milk
and demand for domestic milk fell.

The survey data shows that from Sept 2008
to the spring of 2013, 1.96 million Chinese parents
spent more than 16.3 billion RMB on foreign milk bought
through Taobao.

If saying the direct reason for
"pouring milk and slaughtering cows" is the impact
of imported foreign milk powder plus weak domestic consumption,
then the underlying cause is much more complicated.

Experts point out that the imbalanced relationship
between dairy farmers and milk enterprises
is extremely common in Mainland China.

Due to the separation between farming and milk processing,
dairy farmers are in a weak position.
When milk output is low, the dairy companies
raise prices; when there is a surplus,
dairy companies refuse to buy
or lower the normal price.
Bargaining power is in the hands
of the dairy industry, with market volatility,
the first to suffer loss and the most loss are parents.

Mr. Chang: "When milk is overproduced,
milk manufacture puts more pressure on
dairies, this pressures households,
and the final users and farmers will all suffer a lot."

Zhang Dongfang: "Now the dairy industry is gradually
developing the status of monopoly, and only these companies
purchase milk. If these companies don't purchase the milk,
then there will be no one to purchase it.
On the other hand, dairy industry producers always
control the farmers and farming enterprises.
For example, there was the Yili brand, or Mengniu brand.

They purchased your milk, but you may be required
to feed the cows with their feedstuff.
Otherwise, if no-one uses their milk, then the producer
farmer has to downgrade the milk output.
Then you need to buy my veterinary medicine.
If you don't buy, then this is unacceptable.
Such a monopoly is very serious."

All incidents of "slaughtering cows and pouring milk"
have sparked public concern.
The Ministry of Agriculture urgently issued a document
on January 7th and stated that they will take measures
to help farmers deal with the problem of selling milk.

On Jan 11th, the Ministry of Agriculture
once again said it would increase the amount bought
and ensure the interests of dairy farmers
by enhancing policy support and first aid.

In response to this, farmers say, similar
"pouring milk and slaughtering cows" will happen
every five years.

Such a crisis breaks out regularly, and each time,
the government announces it will introduce
"coordination", "aid" and "support" policies,
but milk farmers have never benefited from the policy,.

Wang Dingmian is a consultant for Guangdong Provincial
Dairy Association, and he says. "From 2009 onwards,
farmers have always given up by killing the cows
and selling the cows.
Every year, the quit and stopped farmers are almost
more than 100,000 households."

Mr. Chang "Do not listen to the policy, when the policy
circulates to the people, for them it has no use.
Will you die, who cares? Even if it really reaches the hands
of the household, how much can be given to farmers?
What will be given to the individuals?
I have never see any national policy!
Have you heard some news?

If you follow the high level policies,
when it circulates to the bottom level,
then there are no more benefits to be shared
by the hands of ordinary people! "

According to the "Sina" Polls on the Internet,
for the current responsible party,
53.5% agree the reason
for "pouring milk and slaughtering cows"
is a primary responsibility of
"government regulation of industry sectors";
29.4% agree "unscrupulous milk prices";
99.34% agrees this is produced by the mechanism.

Interview/TianJing Edit/Zhang Tianyu