【禁聞】黨刊批賀衛方抹黑中國 賀:無知








賀衛方在個人微博上也回應說:「批評我『大談憲政』,且不說我談得還遠遠不夠,了解一點黨史的就知道,1940年代毛周劉諸位對憲政可謂念茲在茲,難道他們都錯了?動輒說抹黑中國,幾個書生,數條微博,就能抹黑?真正抹黑中國的恰恰是這種打壓言論的行為!」 賀衛方更表示,這種說法「不僅狹隘,更是無知」。











採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風

Professor: Party Mouthpieces Are Ignorant to Criticize Him for Discrediting China in Classes

The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Qiushi magazine
recently published an article on its website.

The article claimed that, "Discrediting China has become
a trend," and criticized some college scholars
for their "discrediting China" speeches in classes.

The article named legal scholar He Weifang
and artist Chen Danqing, criticizing both for "influencing
young people's opinions with their authority
in knowledge."

He Weifang consequently responded that Qiushi's article
was narrow-minded and ignorant.

Let's look at the report.

On Jan. 27, the Qiushi website released an article titled,
"What are the Difficulties in College Propaganda Work?"

The article said the CCP's General Office and State Council
recently issued "suggestions" regarding propaganda work
in colleges.
The document said propaganda organs have
to treat colleges as frontlines of ideology work,
such as to "defend against filtration from enemies;"
the party has to firmly hold the authority of "leading"
and "speaking" in ideological fields at colleges.

The article demanded that standards be set to judge
what kind of speeches should not be allowed.

Qiushi further commented that tightening control
over ideology at colleges should not be limited
to the classroom, and needs to be executed on social
networks, such as Weibo and WeChat, as well.

The Qiushi article directly named He Weifang,
professor of law at Peking University, and Chen Danqing,
former professor at Academy of Arts and Design,
Tsinghua University.
He Weifang was criticized for frequently discussing
constitutionalism on Weibo; Chen Danqing was criticized for
"excessively glorifying America" via a WeChat article called,
"Don't Go to America, a Stupid and Undeveloped Place."

The Qiushi article summarized by saying that the issued
"suggestions" should not be an administrative order only;
they have to be incorporated into lecturers' values,
such as to eliminate all acts of "discrediting China."

Chen Minghui, political commentator:"Both He Weifang
and Chen Danqing are conscientious scholars with courage
to speak inside the CCP regime.

If they are silenced or suppressed, then I think the regime
leaves little space for peaceful conversations
or political transformation."

Chen Minghui said both aforementioned professors
are real intellectuals with the courage to tell the truth.

If these only remaining national backbones
are under suppression, this suggests that the CCP
has no tolerance even toward moderate intellectuals,
said Chen.

He Weifang had responded Qiushi on Weibo.

"I am criticized for talking too much about constitutionalism,
but indeed I am talking far from enough.

Furthermore, anyone familiar with party history should know
that CCP leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai
and Liu Shaoqi always talked about constitutionalism
in the 1940's.

Are you saying they were all wrong?
Some people like saying "Discrediting China" here and there,
but how can China be discredited by a few scholars
and Weibo messages?
It is your act of suppression over speech
that is bringing shame to our state!"

He Weifang directly commented that Qiushi's opinion
was "narrow-minded and ignorant".

He Weifang, 54, is a key figure in the promotion of universal
values and constitutionalism among China's lawyers.
Chen Danqing, 61, is a famous artist who immigrated
to the U.S. 30 years ago.

Chen was once employed by the Academy of Arts and Design
at Tsinghua University.
However, Chen later resigned as he could not tolerate
the CCP's educational framework.

The fact is that party mouthpieces kept throwing mud
at college scholars and lecturers.

On Jan. 21, Global Times published an article criticizing
the so-called "high-level sarcasms" at colleges.

On Nov. 14 2014, Liaoning Daily published a full-page article
titled "Teachers, Please Do Not Talk About China Like This".

The article claimed that after investigating several
famous universities both inside and outside Liaoning Province
for over 2 months, journalists found that "discrediting China"
speeches are normally seen in college classes.

Following that, Wang Shoutian, associate professor
at People's Public Security University of China,
was detained for giving "improper speeches".

Wang was later expelled from the university.

Zhang Xuezhong, former professor at the East China
University of Political Science and Law and Xia Yeliang,
former professor at Peking University, experienced
the same situation.

Chen Yongmiao, constitutionalism scholar: "Media attacks
like that have become a medal of honor in China.

Those who were named and criticized, on the other hand,
received an opportunity to become celebrities."

On Jan. 17, He Weifang presented South People Weekly
magazine's Yearly Attractive Figures award to actress
Wang Luodan.
Chen Danqing had also been given numerous awards
including "The 50 Intellectuals that Influenced China"
and "China's Top 10 Elite Gentleman".

Chen Yongmiao commented that now is not an era in which
anyone criticized by party mouthpieces would be ruined.

Chinese people have their differing opinions from that
of party propaganda, said Chen.

Yu Xiangzhen, a retired media worker for children,
wrote an article commenting on this issue.

Yu said, "Naming scholars for criticism was typically seen
during the Cultural Revolution."

"As we have seen so many corrupt 'naked' officials
and wealthy people moving to U.S. with their money,
how can you slander Professor Chen Danqing
who returned from U.S. to China to teach?

It is absolutely clear who is fooling our people."

Chinese netizens also questioned the CCP for glorifying itself
for more than 60 years by controlling all media in China;
the party also spent a great deal of money doing the same
in foreign countries.

Why does all propaganda fail to work?
Why is the party so frightened simply
by several scholars' classroom speeches?

It seems that these days the CCP's propaganda
cannot fully achieve its goal as it did before.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/Songfeng