Confirmed: 29 Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in Shenyang No.2 Prison
On Feb.9, World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), announced the shocking revelations:
about how Shenyang No.2 Prison commits heinous crimes
of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.
The announcement revealed extremely brutal and vicious
ways of torturing Falun Gong practitioners in the hell hole.
Some examples of such torture are, electric roasting, electric
shocking, torture rack, iron wire tweaking, forced exposure to sun,
prohibition of urination or defecation, prohibition of drinking,
prohibition of bathing, forced labor overload , and others.
WOIPFG has named 29 Falun Gong practitioners confirmed
to have been tortured to death in Shenyang No.2 Prison.
It is likely that there are more deaths covered up by the Chinese
Communist Party’s (CCP) information blockade.
The true number of victims could be higher than reported,
said WOIPFG.
University President’s Open Criticism against Education Minister
Removed from Mainland Media
On Monday, Party mouthpiece People’s Daily unusually
reported a speech by Gong Ke, the president of Nankai
University, on its website.
Gong directly criticized the purification movement requested
by the Education Minister as being the mentality of 1957 or 1966.
Gong Ke made the speech in an online discussion held by
People’s Daily website.
“In enhancing ideological work, we cannot go to another
extreme; we cannot re-enact this history of ‘leftist’ errors
against intellectuals,” said Gong.
However, Gong’s speech has been removed from the Home
Page of People’s Daily, and is only shown on the website’s
education channel.
The report was also removed by other mainland media
that published the report a short time ago.
Commentators say the incident indicates that the CCP’s internal
struggle is being exposed to the public.
HK Student Leader Will Speak at UN Summit on
Human Rights and Democracy
Student leaders of the Occupy Central movement,
Alex Chow and Lester Shum will attend the United Nations
Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy in late
February as speakers.
The official website has put their photos on the home page,
and announced that both of them will speak at the summit,
along with other human rights and democratic activists
from Iran, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.
Edit/Zhou Yulin
Confirmed: 29 Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in Shenyang No.2 Prison
On Feb.9, World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), announced the shocking revelations:
about how Shenyang No.2 Prison commits heinous crimes
of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.
The announcement revealed extremely brutal and vicious
ways of torturing Falun Gong practitioners in the hell hole.
Some examples of such torture are, electric roasting, electric
shocking, torture rack, iron wire tweaking, forced exposure to sun,
prohibition of urination or defecation, prohibition of drinking,
prohibition of bathing, forced labor overload , and others.
WOIPFG has named 29 Falun Gong practitioners confirmed
to have been tortured to death in Shenyang No.2 Prison.
It is likely that there are more deaths covered up by the Chinese
Communist Party’s (CCP) information blockade.
The true number of victims could be higher than reported,
said WOIPFG.
University President’s Open Criticism against Education Minister
Removed from Mainland Media
On Monday, Party mouthpiece People’s Daily unusually
reported a speech by Gong Ke, the president of Nankai
University, on its website.
Gong directly criticized the purification movement requested
by the Education Minister as being the mentality of 1957 or 1966.
Gong Ke made the speech in an online discussion held by
People’s Daily website.
“In enhancing ideological work, we cannot go to another
extreme; we cannot re-enact this history of ‘leftist’ errors
against intellectuals,” said Gong.
However, Gong’s speech has been removed from the Home
Page of People’s Daily, and is only shown on the website’s
education channel.
The report was also removed by other mainland media
that published the report a short time ago.
Commentators say the incident indicates that the CCP’s internal
struggle is being exposed to the public.
HK Student Leader Will Speak at UN Summit on
Human Rights and Democracy
Student leaders of the Occupy Central movement,
Alex Chow and Lester Shum will attend the United Nations
Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy in late
February as speakers.
The official website has put their photos on the home page,
and announced that both of them will speak at the summit,
along with other human rights and democratic activists
from Iran, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.
Edit/Zhou Yulin