這個冬天不太冷 美大學生湊錢為保安準備節日禮物

【新唐人2015年12月30日訊】今年是一個暖冬,但是這不僅僅是天氣。前陣子,美國交警執勤 不罰款還「撒錢」。最近幾天,網上又出現一段小視頻溫暖了無數人的心。來自美國喬治亞理工學院(Georgia Institute of Technology)的150名學生合資為學校一名保安準備了一份聖誕禮物,他們希望藉此表達對他每日辛勤工作的感激之情。




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Georgia Tech Business School Undergrads Surprise Security Guard

Some students from the Scheller College of Business wanted to thank a security guard who always goes the extra mile to make their day a little bit better. They hoped to pull together $100 as a token of appreciation... but instead they showed the true spirit of the holiday season. Thanks for continuing show us why Georgia Tech is such an amazing place. #HappyHolidays.

Posted by Georgia Tech on Friday, December 18, 2015
