美式周打海鮮湯 家庭做法超美味(視頻)


My version of seafood chowder (U.S. style rather than Hong Kong style).

8人份量 For 8 people:
西班牙風腸100克 - 100g of chorizo (or bacon)
帶子(扇貝肉)200克 - 200g of scallops
三文魚200克 - 200g of salmon
煙燻魚200克 - 200g of smoked fish
蟹肉200克 - 200g of crab meat
小蛤肉300克 - 300g of mini clams
鮮蛤汁300毫升 - 300ml of clam juice
紅蘿蔔1條 - 1 carrot
洋蔥1個 - 1 onion
蒜蓉1茶匙 - 1tsp of minced garlic
甜椒粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of paprika
芥末粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of ground mustard powder
水100毫升 - 100ml of water
忌廉600毫升 - 600ml of single cream
中薯2個 - 2 medium potatoes
龍蒿葉1湯匙 - 1tbsp of tarragon
蔥粒 - chopped green onion to garnish
餅乾8塊 - 8 square saltine biscuits


