
Music from the original movie soundtrack for "Finding Courage". Buy on iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/browse Watch the movie "Finding Courage": www.FindingCourageMovie.com https://www.swoopfilms.com/finding-courage-film/
Performed by Mika Hale Music & lyrics by Kay Rubacek Musical arrangement by Sterling Campbell Vocal arrangement by Mika Hale Production by Sterling Campbell, Adrian Morales-Demori at Heiga Studios Music video by Swoop Films Copyright Swoop Films LLC. All Rights Reserved. Chinese Lyric Translation by Ariel Tian Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArielTianMusic​
SONG LYRICS: "COURAGE IS FOUND" When the costs are high, and the brave are few To face the devils, surrounding you When the world says one, who dares say two Despite the truth you know, you know is true
When the fork in the road, leads you up or leads down And you know the fence you sit on, brings you no crown When your children will ask, what did you do They'll see the history books and what you choose
Courage will come, it's coming Courage will come, it's coming Courage will come, it's coming Courage will come, it's coming Courage will come, courage will come
When black's not white, and wrong's not right And you know heaven is watching, but so are spies When your heart beats hard, and your feet won't budge Till you only step forward and never give up
Courage is found, courage is found Courage is found, found Courage is found, courage is found Courage is found, found
When fear is a rock, but smaller than your will It is chiseled by courage to valleys and hills When hope takes hold, rains burst on drought Faith softens sorrows and courage is found
Courage is found, courage is found Courage is found, found Courage is found, courage is found Faith softens sorrows And courage is found
Chinese Lyric Translation by Ariel Tian Music:https://www.youtube.com/c/ArielTianMusic
自由代價高昂 勇者鳳毛麟角 邪魔四處猙獰 誰敢直面前行 一言堂的世界 誰敢發出異聲 世間謊言彌漫 心中真理不滅 人生總有抉擇 前路吉凶難測 生命有種堅守 即使一無所有 如果孩子問我 你曾做過什麼 歷史定會記得 你今日的選擇
黑白不可顛倒 對錯不能混淆 心知神目如炬 魑魅魍魎何懼 胸中熱血沸騰 腳下磐石靜立 勇往直前 永不言棄
怯懦雖如頑石 意志更似金剛 無論巔峰谷底 勇氣帶我前行 希望終將升起 沙漠終降甘霖 信仰撫平傷痛 勇氣心中生起
勇氣心中生起 勇氣心中生起 信仰撫平傷痛 勇氣心中生起
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《尋找勇氣》紀錄片網站鏈接 https://www.swoopfilms.com/finding-courage-film/ (責任編輯:李紅)