

Dispute Over Mother Teresa
Jelly Lee, David Lee

1. humanitarian: n. 人道主义者
2. advocate: n. 倡议者
3. row: n. 纷争
4. remains: n. 遗体;遗骸
5. exhume: v. 掘出(尸首)
6. absurd: adj. 荒谬的
7. position: n. 看法,观点
8. mortal: n. 凡人之身
9. shrine: n. 圣地
10. pilgrimage: n. 朝圣之旅

Known as the Saint of the Gutters, the humanitarian and advocate for the poor and helpless, Albanian Mother Teresa is seen here with the children of India.

While Mother Teresa was born in Albania she lived the majority of her life and did her greatest work here in Kolkata where she founded the Missionaries of Charity.

Here with her sisterhood of nuns she looked after the dying, the sick and orphans.

She was awarded a Nobel Peace prize and is expected to be made a saint before her 100th birthday next year.

After her death in 1997 she was buried in the grounds of her Mission and was beatified by the Pope.

But far from being allowed to rest in peace a row has now blown up about her final resting place.

Albania want her remains exhumed and taken back to Albania before her 100th birth anniversary.

But those at the Missionaries of Charity have described Albania's request as absurd, a position supported by the Catholic Church in Kolkata.

[Father Sukhendu Biswas, St Mary's Church, Kolkata]:
"It is not acceptable to the people of India. It is the wish and desire of Indian people that her mortals should remain in the head quarters of Mother Teresa. The people of the world have accepted it. The head quarters is the place where she has operated her ministry and this has become a holy shrine to Kolkata, people of India and people of the world."

Mother Teresa's organization now runs over 500 charity homes in over 100 countries.

Her grave in Kolkata is now a pilgrimage site.

