












Experts on "Tainted Rice”

Recently, China’s micro-blogs revealed that
10% of the rice on China’s markets contains cadmium.
Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal chemical compound.
Later, many Chinese media cited the authorities’ reports
to claim that "Locally, we don’t have tainted rice".
Overseas scholars and experts believe that
the government should first identify the tainted rice
and protect the public.
However, the prevalence of tainted food in China
originated from CCP's poor management.

Recently, Nanjing Agricultural University’s expert
Prof. Pan Genxing disclosed that sampling shows,
about 10% of the rice on the Chinese market is
cadmium-tainted rice, which has become commonplace.
In 2008, imported tainted rice caused Japan's agric.
minister’s resignation and merchants’ bankruptcy.
In the recent years, hundreds of tons of tainted rice
were found in several provinces in China.
The toxic elements are heavy metals and pesticide residues.
Cadmium is the most recently exposed.

In Oct 2010, there were privately-made videos showing
the excess use of pesticides in growing Chinese rice.

A Ph.D. from China’s Huadong Agricultural University:
Tainted rice exists in many places.
The farmers know the most.
At first, 1 or 2 rounds of (pesticides) were enough.
Now pesticides are applied once a week.
So the rice we eat is basically soaked up by pesticides.

GDGrain.com reported, in 2010,
China’s total rice output was 196 million tons.
If 10% of the rice was cadmium-tainted,
the markets had nearly 20 million tons of tainted rice.
If all the rice was consumed by the Chinese people,
then each person ate 15 kilograms on average.

However, after micro-blogs revealed the tainted rice,
mny official media reported the authorities’ inspections
and many experts’ advices.
All of them denied the real situation.

Regarding the official media’s practices,
Germany-based Chinese environmental scholar and
engineering expert, Dr. Wang Weiluo, pointed out that
the government should first find out the tainted rice
and not let it make way into people’s rice bowls.

Wang: People don’t know which rice is tainted.
The government hasn’t taken any measures to
prevent the cadmium-tainted rice from flowing
into the markets and from being consumed.

Zhou Qing, an author from Shaanxi, believes that
pesticides, industrial pollution and additives,
the practices of the official media and so-called experts
all show that the fundamental reason of tainted food
is the corrupt Communist one-party dictatorship.

Zhou: The combination of large sums of capital
and a thoroughly corrupt government
is a scourge on ordinary consumers.
This has led to increasing amounts of tainted foods.
I said many years ago that regarding tainted foods,
the one-party dictatorship is the source of all evil.

Zhou personally investigated tainted foods for 2 years.
His book Survey of the Current Safety of China’s Foods
won Germany’s Lettre Ulysses Award in 2004.

NTD reporter Zhao Xinzhi