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大陆民间维权律师 李向阳:“中共的执政从一开始到现在没有合法性的,他们为了维持他们的统治、为了保护他们的既得利益,全部用的是流氓手段。假如依法办事,按照法律办事的话,中国老百姓的人权状况等等要比现在强得多。”


李向阳:“中共向来从 经济上搞垮、政治上把你搞臭、肉体上把你消灭 ,他们惯用这流氓手段。”



大陆民主人士恩广:“ 从根源上、或者是从他们的制度本身来说他们的出发点不是一个民主的,所以说他只能是靠很多的手段来执政,它暂时性的可能稳定一段时间。”

今年从2月开始,接连发生了王立军、薄熙来事件、陈光诚进入美领馆、李旺阳被自杀等事件,政法委在其中成为破坏“ 维稳 ”的主要机构。

香港的独立人权研究人士Joshua Rosenzweig说,周永康在过去10年中所做的事情是将中国妖魔化成一个“ 危险、不稳定的地方,必须加以控制,而资源需要投入其中来维持‘稳定’ ”。他进一步表示:周的部门“ 变得如此强大,以至于变成了可以对抗胡、温权力中心的第二个权力中心。”


采访/唐睿 编辑/宋风 后制/朱娣

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Removes Provincial Police
Chiefs To Avoid Corruption

Xu Zhubao,former Nanjing vice mayor and local top policeman
was recently nominated as Shandong Provincial police chief.
China has seen a total of nine provincial-level police chiefs
brought in from out of the area and given assignments.
China's media asserted the measure would avoid corruption
of important official positions.
Yet scholars say if the CCP remains essentially unchanged
without purging the Political & Legislative Affairs Committee,
the fall of the late Qing Dynasty is an instructive reminder.

A leadership meeting of Shandong Provincial Public Security
Department was held on June 21st in Jinan in Shandong.
The conference nominated Xu Zhubao as the chief of
Shandong Provincial Public Security Department.
Xu who was the previous director & Party chief of Nanjing
Municipal Public Security Bureau and Nanjing’s vice mayor,
took office as assistant to the Governor of Shandong.
He was also part of Shandong Provincial Party Committee,
Party chief of Shandong Public Security Department
and president of Shandong Police College.

In 2012, the provinces of Zhejiang, Sichuan, Chongqing,
Hunan and Shandong have each replaced their provincial police chief.
Except Sichuan, the other four provinces changed the
successors for those non-local CCP cadres.

In this year's CCP provincial leadership transition, new police
Heads were repeatedly replaced by those out of the area.
Professor Zhu Lijia, China National School of Administration
thinks that using out of area staff for local office positions may
prevent the occurrence of overly long tenures on some
important positions and avoiding those are prone to form an inner clique and benefit-based connections.

Lan Shu (Critic): "The system of public security and Political
& Legislative Affairs are the most corruptible sections of the CCP in more than 10 years.
The Party itself has no way to eradicate the problem, as
the corruption is formed deep and pervasively rooted.
It’s very likely that a simple economic corruption will become
a political case or develop into a political earthquake."

Lan Shu says that the successors are still corruptible, thus,
the replacement only cures the symptoms not the root cause.

Human rights lawyer Li Xiangyang notes that regional CCP
bureaucrats shield each other by forming groups or factions.
Problems cannot be thoroughly solved by a mere change of
a public security chief, Li remarks.

Li Xiangyang: "The CCP hasn't gained legitimacy since
it came into power in China.
They just went hooligan to maintain ruling status and
protect vested interests.
If following the rule of law, the human rights situation
in China would be much better than they are currently.”

Li Xiangyang is now suspended for paying salary for
rights defense.

Li Xiangyang: "The CCP always behaves like a hoodlum,
bankrupting one financially, defaming one's reputation and murdering one physically."

Li Xiangyang notes that although the CCP has tried every
trick available to keep its rule.
However its top-level policy is not being carried out
when conveyed to the regional authorities.
So in this sense, the CCP has been incurable, Li says.

Pro-democracy activist En Guang comments that the CCP
has made some adjustments under the international pressure.
But says its nature remains unchanged.

The regime is doing the same the late Qing government did
to preserve the ruling power.
The late Qing regime still ended up with mass insurgence,
which the CCP will see moving toward it now, says En Guang.

En Guang: “The CCP regime is not democratic from its origin,
or its regimen.
It has to resort to devices to keep its ruling power.
Temporarily, it may present a scene of stability."

Since February 2012, successive incidents of Wang Lijun,
Bo Xilai, the escape of Chen Guangcheng and the death of Li Wangyang have been erupting in China.
The Political & Legislative Affairs Committee is exposed to be
the prime shove in undermining the CCP's stability preservation.

Joshua Rosenzweig, a Hong Kong-based independent
human-rights researcher told Canadian The Globe and Mail that
what Zhou Yongkang has done in the last 10 years was
demonizing China as “a dangerous, destabilized place.
It needed to be kept under control and “resources need
to be thrown at this problem of maintaining stability.”
Rosenzweig notes that the force led by Zhou “had become
so powerful that it had the makings of a second party centre rivaling the No. 1 and No. 2 [the President and Premier].”

Asia Week reviewed that China's legal system was castrated
by autocratic power from “Political & Legislative Affairs system”.
China's judiciary cannot play its role in the pursuit of
justice and uprightness,
being used as a tool serving CCP arrogance of power and
trapping ordinary Chinese citizens unjustly.
