【禁闻】十大军头面授权宜 弃江听胡命




《中国事务》主编伍凡:“那么我想胡锦涛跟他们(军队)做了一个互相交换的条件,交换条件甚么呢?你们(中央军委)退休了,任何事情我都不追究了。 你(中央军委)的钱财(贪腐)事情我一概免掉了,所以下台很安全了。保证了这些东西呢,(军头)就给你一个回馈,胡锦涛,我们(军委)支持你下一任做军委主席,至少两年。十八大之前作出这样重大的交换的时候,最大的一个责任是甚么呢?稳定了共产党和军队之间的关系。”







采访/朱智善 编辑/许旻 后制/萧宇

Ten Military Tycoons Face to Face Instruct: Choose Hu over Jiang

Recently Chinese Military Commission (CMC) members met with local military officials. In the meeting, Guo Boxiong, Vice Chairman of CMC, emphasized again that all armies should be loyal to Hu Jintao. In order to guarantee a high degree of unity, CCP senior military officials have never pledged their loyalty to Hu Jintao many times in public. However, this time two CMC Vice Presidents and eight CMC members all attended the meeting. Some analysts think that the military tycoons abandoned Jiang Zemin and went over to Hu Jintao because Hu Jintao used a military corruption investigation as his bargaining chip.
Those military tycoons are afraid of being investigated by the Military Disciplinary Committee so they pledged their loyalty to Hu Jintao. The eight CMC members have even requested that Hu Jintao continues to be Chairman of CMC after the 18th National Congress.

On June 27, eight Chinese Central Military Commission members attended the meeting, including Vice Chairman Xu Caihou, Liang Guanglie, Chen Bingde, Li Jinai, Liao Xilong, Chang Wanquan, Jing Zhiyuan, Wu Shengli and Xu Qiliang.

Wu Fan, Editor-in-chief of “China Business”, pointed out that this time all armies exhibited a high degree of unity and pledged loyalty to Hu Jintao in public. It‘s the result of a compromise between the CCP and military tycoons.
The Chinese Central Military Commission asked senior military officials to register and report their assets including salary income, properties and investment.

Wu Fan: ”I think Hu Jintao has made a deal with military officials. What is Hu’s bargaining chip then? If you (military officials) retire, I won‘t investigate you.

I won't investigate your financial situation and the corruption you committed, so it’s safe for you to retire. Once Hu made a clear promise on this stuff, military officers responded: Hu Jintao, we support you to be the next Chairman of CMC. What's the impact when such a big deal has come off right before the 18th National Congress? The direct impact is that it has stabilized the relationship between the CCP and the Military.”

Both Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou were promoted as members of CMC (Chinese Military Commission) by Jiang Zemin. Guo Boxiong used to be the General of Lanzhou military region. Xu Caihou used to belong to the political work system.
Besides CMC, the “Shanghai Faction” used to dominate the CCP Standing Committee as well.

Politics Commentator We Zhao said that Jiang Zemin planted his people everywhere in order to control Hu Jintao. Jiang Zemin is scared that his “political package” might be overturned after his presidency has expired.

Wen Zhao:“CCP Chairmen of each presidency have their own ‘political package’.
Therefore, they all like to designate a successor by themselves. Why did Mao designate Hua Guofeng? It's because Hu Guofeng wouldn't deny the Great
Cultural Revolution. Deng Xiaoping designated Jiang Zemin because he thought
Jiang wouldn’t redress the injustice of the ‘June 4th Event’. Jiang Zemin also wanted to designate his successor so that his political package of cracking down on Falun Gong wouldn’t be overturned.”

This time CMC members met with local military officials and asked them to be loyal to Hu Jintao. It actually shows that those members of CMC that Jiang Zemin
plugged into will be replaced at the 18th National Congress. Wen Zhao pointed out that Panyang and Lanzhou military faction are the most powerful ones of all CMC factions. The power of each military faction will be re-allocated in the new term of office.

Wen Zhao:“In order to maintain the advantages he has achieved, Hu Jintao must ask those senior military officials to pledge their loyalty to him in public
This is so that their subordinates can be influenced to also be loyal to Hu .”

The 18th National Congress will take place in July and August this year. To Hu Jintao, the loyalty of the Military is very critical. With loyalty from military, he can make sure there won't be any chaos within the CCP system.
Regarding this, Wu Fan pointed out that Hu's action can only make this broken boat of the CCP sink a little bit slower. However, once this “boat” sinks, there will be no interest to compete for among military factions or CCP officials.