














采访/常春 编辑/王子琦 后制/萧宇

Hong Kong Media Disclosed Secrets of “3.19 Coup D'etat”

After the political scandal of Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai,
rumors spread in Mainland China about the “3.19 coup d'etat.”
It was said that a military coup took place late at night on March 19.
CCP spammed the message, for a while filtering the word “gunfire.”
What on earth is the truth?

Recently, media exposed some of the secret details, including
a gun fight between 38th Army and Beijing Armed Police.

British Sunday Times and Epoch Times website respectively
quoted Hong Kong magazine Frontline’s article on the “3.19 coup.”
The article pointed out that the message was not groundless.

The article said Chinese President Hu Jintao had already
rearranged the personnel of the Central Guard Bureau.
However, he still felt uncertain about it.

Late Feb., early Mar, President Hu Jintao sent all his
bodyguards to the peripheral areas outside the central wall,
replacing them with a reinforced platoon 38th Army,

so that the Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang faction
was unable to penetrate.

Mar. 15, Hu Jintao made a series of decisions.
First, he removed from office Wang Xixin, commander of PLA 38th Army,
deploying him as Vice-Chancellor of the
National Defense University.
Major General Xu Linping, Hu’s ally,
took the place of Wang.

Mar, 19, Hu Jintao ordered 38th Army to enter Beijing from
Baoding, on a mission to "crush a subversive military coup.”
Witnesses said that Tiananmen Square and nearby area saw
large numbers of soldiers and armored personnel carriers.

Political critic Xing Tianxing said, current media reports
have confirmed a coup on the day of 3.19.
Hong Kong media chose the time of Hu’s visit to expose
this information for some special reasons.

Xing Tianxing: “In fact, they are worried that a certain force in
Hong Kong might take this opportunity to do harm to Hu Jintao.
Now that the magazine has released this news, I think by the
harmful force it means the system of Politics and Law Committee.”

The article said 38th-Army soldiers confronted
the armed police.
Soldiers shouted that they were sent by President Hu
to control the coup base and arrest coup leaders.
The Armed Police responded by saying: “Attacking central
government area is equivalent to treason. You will be eliminated if you do not draw back.”
It is said that the armed police even shot in to the air as a warning,
yet they were taken under control by 38th Army in several seconds.

BBC also quoted Frontline’s article, saying Hu Jintao
fought on 3.19 to remain chairman of PLA.
Xing Tianxing believes that Hu Jintao’s main concern is to prevent
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai connive in a coup between themselves.

Xing Tianxing: “Hu Jintao indeed demonstrated his power
to the Politics and Law Committee.
He was testing to what extent the army would be in his control.
The army turned out to be loyal to him, able to defeat the armed forces.
Afterwards, the two sides made peace between themselves and
pretended to be harmonious to the world.”

Earlier, The Epoch Times quoted a Hong Kong media report
that “Beijing is having a problem” on the night of 3.19.
The reason was thought to be a fight between Wen Jiabao and
Zhou Yongkang to get hold of Xu Ming, Bo Xilai’s “Finance Minister.”

Xing Tianxing said, whatever the truth, more details
will be released as the fight between the two sides continues.
Hu Jintao would put himself in grave danger
if he still tries to preserve CCP.

Xing Tianxing: “The safest solution would be to expose
all the details about the Bo Xilai scandal, and to place it under public investigation.
Only with the support of public opinion can the Jiang Zemin
faction be completely eliminated.”

The Frontline article also mentioned how Hu Jintao's
“first guard” Ling Jihua, once announced an “iron rule”.
Meaning, “Anyone getting within three meters to Hu Jintao
without order, would be executed!”