【看新闻学英语】英国外交官 将出席被杀海伍德的审判


British Diplomats to Attend Trial of Murdered Briton Neil Heywood
英国外交官 将出席被杀海伍德的审判

1. diplomat [ˋdɪpləmæt] n. 外交官
2. trial [ˋtraɪəl] n. 审判
3. high-profile [haɪ ˋprofaɪl] adj. 备受瞩目的
4. rarely [ˋrɛrlɪ] adv.异乎寻常地, 极度
5. grant [grænt] v. 同意、准予
6. oust [aʊst] v. 驱逐
7. consulate [ˋkɑnslɪt] n. 领事馆
8. charge [tʃɑrdʒ] v. 控告
9. irrefutable [ɪˋrɛfjʊtəbl] adj. 不可否认的
10. embarrassment [ɪmˋbærəsmənt] n. 困窘
11. house arrest n.phr. 软禁
12. whereabout [ˋhwɛrəˋbaʊts] n. 下落

British diplomats will be attending a high-profile trial in China. It’s a highly unusual move by the Communist regime, since foreign diplomats are rarely granted access to politically sensitive trials.
British businessman Neil Heywood was found dead in his hotel room in the Chinese city of Chongqing last November. And Gu Kailai, the wife of a former top Communist Party leader Bo Xilai, has been charged with his murder. Bo was ousted after his former police chief Wang Lijun, fled to a US consulate.
Gu Kailai and Zhang Xiaojun, who worked for the Bo family, have been charged with poisoning Heywood.
The trial is largely expected to be a show trial. State-run Xinhua News Agency has already announced that evidence against Gu is “irrefutable”.
It’s a case that’s become a major embarrassment for Beijing. Bo is believed to be under house arrest, and there’s no word on the whereabouts of Wang Lijun.
本则影音新闻出处:新唐人英语新闻 http://goo.gl/zGZX9
本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.bosenglish.com


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1. pro-China position: n.phr. 支持中国的立场
2. wary [ˋwɛrɪ] adj. 小心翼翼的、谨慎的
3. son-in-law [ˋsʌnɪn͵lɔ] n. 女婿
4. poll [pol] n. 民意调查
5. claim [klem] v. 摘下、夺下
6. gymnastics [dʒɪmˋnæstɪks] n. 体操