【禁闻】中国资本趁欧债危机涌入 引人疑





“北京大学经济学院”教授 夏业良:“亏本、破产啊,这种情况比比皆是。所以很难说中国这个投资完全出于经济目地,就是很大的情况下,他们的投资都带有很强的政治目地,就是说,希望能够强化中国在欧洲的影响,也希望通过投资能够对有些领域、对(当地)政府、甚至对老百姓,产生一种心理上的一种影响。”



美“南卡罗莱纳大学艾肯商学院”教授 谢田:“中国的资本老有这个问题,就是说,有很多西方人是分不清这到底是民间的资本﹔还是国家的资本,是不是有中共政权在背后。如果有中共政权在背后,他们就担心会有政治上的因素,政治上的目地在背后,所以,他就会有所顾虑。”








采访编辑/梁欣 后制/萧宇

Suspicion Over Influx of Chinese Investment in Europe During Debt Crisis.

SInce Greece and other EU countries faced debt crisis,
Chinese capital invested has doubled in European countries.

In terms of investment strategies,
this would be a favorable opportunity.
However, at the same time, overseas media fear
that if this continues, the European economy could become too dependent on China.
Other motives could become hidden
behind the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

"Radio France Internationale" reported in an article
by Dr. Pierre Bikar that according to incomplete statistics,
in the last three years, Chinese foreign investment
in Europe has risen from two percent to ten percent.
In addition to Germany and the United Kingdom,
investment in the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, and Eastern Europe is growing.
The investment targets almost reflect
the respective strengths of each country.

The article, entitled "how to take advantage
of the crisis to buy European enterprises" also said
that in the opinion of Chinese investment professionals
in Europe, you should buy now.
There are only a few success cases to date,
but this is just the beginning, it said.

Xia Yeliang, a professor at the School of Economics
at Peking University commented.
In observing the past few decades, CCP foreign
investments have brought little return in revenue.

Xia Yeliang: “Loss and bankruptcy
cases can be found everywhere.
So it is hard to say that these kind of Chinese
investments are entirely for economic purposes.
In many cases, these investments
are with strong political purpose.
The CCP doesn’t only wants to be able
to strengthen China's influence in Europe.
It also hope that by their investing in some areas
of the (local) government, or even in people, it can produce a psychological impact.”

Last year, at the 5th Summer Davos Forum,
CCP Premier Wen Jiabao claimed that
Chinese believed that so far, investing in the European
economy would overcome the financial difficulties.
China was still willing to expand investment in Europe.

At the same time, Chinese companies are trying
to invest in or acquire European infrastructure, technology and brand-name goods.

Chinese capital has created employment opportunities.

It has stimulated economic growth for Europe,
but media are starting to question this more and more.

Prof. Xie Tian, University of South Carolina Aiken Business
School, U.S.: “China's capital always has this problem.
In other words, there are many Westerners who,
in the end, cannot tell the difference between
private sector capital and the country's capital,
or whether the Chinese Communist regime is behind it.
If the Chinese Communist regime was behind it,
they are worried that it has political motivations.
So, they would have concerns.”

Pierre Bikar thinks that Chinese investment will not only
save European enterprises from the brink of collapse.
It will also help workers avoid unemployment.

CCP Premier Wen Jiabao said that China
is willing to expand its European investment.
At the same time, it also hopes the leaders
of some major European countries recognize China's full market economy status.

Professor Xia Yeliang: “The CCP always now
uses the Chinese state as the main body investment.
This is instead of businesses and individuals.

Actually, it is a resource monopoly, giving more
prominence to its nationalist orientation.
It does not engage in the practices of a full market economy.

In addition, Professor Xie Tian highlights that the CCP
hopes to obtain military technology from Europe.
It has relaxed restrictions in exporting
arms from Europe to China.

Xie Tian: "The point is that the CCP is under pressure
from the international community for it’s human rights.
The countries of Western Europe
are critical of the CCP's human rights.
The CCP diverts this pressure through economic investment.

Therefore, the CCP certainly has other hidden
motives behind it, aside from making money.
However, Westerners actually know this,
so it won’t sell it’s real high-tech arms to the CCP.”

The report also said that European political and the business
circles made enthusiastic responses towards the investment.
But international media fear that the European economy
will become too dependent on China longer term.

Xie Tian: "The CCP is not yet at the point of truly
influencing or manipulating the European economy.
As far as China is concerned, this is a large
part of total foreign investment from China.
But in fact, its total amount is very, very small.

The scale is also far less than the capital investment
of Japan or South Korea in Europe.”

Xie Tian points out that China's capital flowed to Europe,
which also demonstrated that China's investment environment is being sharply deteriorated.