【禁闻】政治局例会出状况 18大前再添变





北京独立评论人士 高瑜:“今年的8月的政治局会议,《新华社》没有报导,就是一个反常,本来8月份的政治局会议就应该公布的,按照往常,十六大召开,也是在当年的8月的政治局会议,公布召开的日期,十七大也是一样。就是今年的政治局会议,换届年的8月份反而没有消息。”



前国策顾问 邱垂亮:“不管是谷开来的审判也好,王立军的审判也好,哪有一点司法的正义、司法的公平的程序,没有了,都是政治安排、政治审判,我想,到现在为止,为甚么刚才讲,内部现在还暗潮汹涌,好像还是在斗。”


时事评论员 刘铭:“薄熙来原本是要发动政变取代习近平的,可以说习近平和薄熙来是死敌,而胡温是这次拿下薄熙来的主要力量,如果这次审判给薄熙来留下一点点让他将来还会翻身的机会,就等于习近平在自己身边放置了一颗定时炸弹,习近平出于自己将来执政的考虑也不会给自己留下后患。”


时事评论员 汪北稷:“这个月看起来是薄熙来的一个坎,是从中共的形式上,肯定要做一块挺漂亮的遮羞布把中共的丑遮住,把薄熙来的罪行端出来。”


采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

The CCP Politburo Regular Meeting has Accident, the 18th National Congress has more Variable Factors.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee
has not announced the date of it's 18th National Congress.
The Congress is the time when
the CCP changes it's leadership.
There are rumors that the Congress
will be held during mid-October.
A Politburo meeting will be held on September 28.

If the Politburo meeting progresses well, the 7th session
of the 17th plenary conferences will be held on October 2.
Following this, the CCP will announce the date of the 18th
National Congress and the decision on Bo Xilai.
Analysts think this Politburo meeting is critical, and
may place more variable factors on the 18th Congress.

The “Deutsche Welle” quoted a message from Beijing
that a Politburo meeting will held on September 28.
In this, CCP leaders will discuss three issues:

1. Finalizing the names of the new CCP leadership
to be announced during the 18th National Congress.
2. Determine the date of the 7th session.
3. Make the final decision on the case of Bo Xilai.

Analysts highlight that although rumors suggested
the 18th Congress will be held in mid-October,
there has not been an announcement from the CCP.
So, the Politburo meeting is critical.

Gao Yu is a former reporter of the “China News Agency”,
and is now a independent Beijing commentator.
Gao Yu told NTD that normally the date of the CCP
leadership changing congress is announced in August.
But this year, Xinhua News Agency didn't release a related
report, which means the Politburo meeting had problems.

Gao Yu: “The Politburo meeting held in August
hasn't been reported by the Xinhua News Agency.
This is abnormal. The date of 18th Congress is usually
announced during the August Politburo meeting.
For example, the date of 16th Congress was announced
in the Politburo meeting in the August of that year.
The date of the 17th Congress was announced
in the August Politburo meeting of that year as well.
But this year, the Politburo meeting
didn't announce the date in August.”

At the same time, Beijing political observers analyzed that
the 18th Congress is the leadership changing congress.
This will be full of the complicated and sharp
struggles among the different CCP factions.
It's definately more intense than other leadership changes.
How to deal with Bo Xilai is a very difficult issue for the CCP.

Which kind of punishment will be applied to Bo Xilai?

Qiu Chuiliang, a former Taiwan national policy adviser
said that there's no way to determine the punishment.
China is not a country ruled by law.
Law is only a tool used by the CCP to maintain its rule.

Qiu Chuiliang: “Regardless of whether it's the Gu Kailai
trial, or the Wang Lijun trial, there's no judicial process at all.
Everything is arranged by political needs. It's political trial.
Until now, I think that there're still
surges of struggling within the CCP.”

Liu Ming, a political commentator, analyzes that currently,

the different CCP factions have released different news
reports in the respective media they control.
This means there are varied outcomes for the final decision.

Liu Ming thinks that Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao do not
want to give Bo Xilai another chance to stand up again.

Liu Ming: “Bo Xilai planned to initiate a coup to replace
Xi Jinping, which means Bo is the sworn enemy of Xi.
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao are
the main force for removing Bo.
But if the trial allows any possibility for Bo to stand up again
in the future, it is a time bomb ticking alongside Xi Jinping.
Thinking about the future of rule,
Xi Jinping will not leave any risks.”

"Voice of America" reported that Bo Xilai has been
connected to a huge amount of corruption.
Prior to this, CCP official media implied that Bo Xilai
was suspected of harboring criminals, when it reported the details of the Wang Lijun case.
Experts think Wang Lijun was sentenced to 15 years
in jail with multiple crimes, and the penalty on Bo Xilai should be more strict than on Wang Lijun.

Political Commentator Wang Beiji: “This month
looks like a milestone for Bo Xilai.
Standing in the shoes of the CCP, it must create a beautiful
fig leaf to shield the ugliness and dirtiness of the CCP.
It must, however, reveal Bo Xilai's crimes.”

Liu Ming said that the worst crimes of Bo Xilai
involved harvesting the organs of Falun Gong practitioners and selling them for profit.
This is the fact that the CCP doesn't dare to expose.

If this evil is exposed, the CCP will face disintegration.
That's the reason why the CCP regime tries its best to hide it.