【禁闻】贪官吃喝3000亿 贫民6元过一天













采访/朱智善 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Three Hundred Billion RMB for Corrupt Officials' Food Expenses and 6.3 RMB Per Day for the Poor

The Chinese authorities' data shows that during the so-called
anti-poverty work meeting at the end of November 2011,
it was determined that a farmer's per capita net income
of 2,300 yuan annually became a new poverty line.
That is 6.3 yuan ($1 USD) per day per capita net income.
China has 128 million people living under the poverty line.
How do they spend 6.3 yuan a day?

Some netizens said, “It is impossible to live with 6.3 yuan
a day since water, electricity, and gas all take money too.
However, one can go hungry for one day.”

Let's hear how the lower social level of Chinese talks
about their real hardship in life.

The data shows that 128 million Chinese, which accounts
for nearly one-tenth of the total population of Mainland,
fall into the poor population.

The new poverty standards follow the farmers' per capita net
income of 2,300 yuan as a standard since the end of last year.
When divided by 365 days a year, it can be seen that nearly
103 million people in China have only 6.3 yuan to spend every day.

In response to the call from the United Nations World Food
Programme (WFP), the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty,
sponsored by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation,
called on people to participate in a poverty experience by spending only $6.30 yuan for a day.

Shanghai businessman Xie Dan commented that without
factoring in living expenses, three bus rides cost 6.3 yuan,
and it would be impossible to live off that amount,
particularly for peasants coming to work as laborers in the city.

Shanghai businessman Xie Dan: “In fact, this is quite low,
even for those coming to work in the city.
You cannot compare their living standard with that
of the original residents of the city.
People who are from the rural area have no basic labor income.
Most of them just want to have three meals a day.
They cannot afford to think about the education of their children
and the social security for birth, age, illnesses and death.”

Zhang Yongling from Ningxia, Yinchuan, “The price
of everything is rising. 6.3 yuan is far from enough.
Not including utilities, 500 yuan a month
will barely cut it even with thrifty spending.
Just a bowl of noodles costs 10 yuan.
Besides, one cannot go anywhere.
If you go anywhere, you need to spend money.
You are better off staying home.”

According to the 2011 salary Development Report
published by the authorities,
a CCP senior official's annual salary is equivalent to
4,000 times the average wage of peasant workers.
There is a sharp contrast between the rich and the poor.

Jiangxi netizen Ms Liu said that the gap between the rich
and the poor has created social injustice.
Six yuan is not enough to feed oneself.

The income gap results mainly from the monopoly
of state-owned resources and corruption.
Compared with the lives of corrupt officials,
petitioners' lives are simply hell on earth.

Jiangxi netizen Ms. Liu: "The deputies of the People's
Congress represent the interest group,
which is the primary cause of the gap between
the rich and poor. We have no human rights, no freedom.
The rule of law has died, only the rule of man and
the right to rule exist.
Because this is a special country, it is certainly not
surprising that six yuan for one day is not strange."

Ms. Jia, petitioner in Beijing: “6.3 yuan is not even enough
for a petitioner to live for one day. It is at least 10 yuan for a petitioner.”

In contrast to 6.3 yuan per day, Food Science and Nutritional
Engineering of China Agricultural University survey data shows shocking waste on dining tables.
It is learned that in Mainland the protein and fat waste reaches
as much as 8 million tons and 3 million tons a year, enough food to feed two hundred million people for one year.

It is understood that the CCP officials spend public funds
of up to 300 billion yuan on food and drink.
From the rich dishes in trash cans of the major hotels
and the prevalence of ditch oil, the extent of the terrible waste can be easily imagined.
A measly 6.3 yuan is nothing for these officials,
not even enough for a tip.
