【禁闻】港媒:温提废劳教 610不合法














采访/田净 编辑/尚燕 后制/柏妮

Hong Kong media: Wen proposed abolishing Labor Reeducation
System and claimed “610 office” illegal.

Hong Kong’s Chengming magazine reported
during the meeting of 7th Plenary Session of the 17th,
there a closed discussion if Labor Reeducation System (LRS)
should be kept. LRS is the hot topic of the judicial system reform.
Wen Jiabao, who proposed abolishing LRS, is again obstructed
by the group of Politics and Law Committee and the maintaining stability faction.
Why did the two factions play tit for tat on this
before the 18th Congress? Let’s see the analysis.

The Chengming article quoted reliable sources from Beijing,

that Wen Jiabao hoped to abolish LRS completely at the end
of “Hu(Jintao)-Wen(Jiabao)” new policies.
However, Politics and Law Committee and the maintaining
stability faction proposed reform through reducing the time of labor reeducation, but keeping the LRS spirit.

The article said that abolishing LRS is not only involved in
the work of many thousands of judicial and armed police but also involved in the legitimacy of the “610 office”.
The “610 office” later changed its name to Central Leading
Group on Dealing with Heretical Religions.

Zhang Jielian, Current Affairs Commentator: “‘610 office’
can detain so many people, taking advantage of the LRS.
This system can first detain and then persecute people
who are sent without trial to labor camps.
So once Jiang (Zemin)’s faction lose this weapon,
their persecution method will be cut off in the judicial areas.

The article analyzed that currently, among 190,000 detainees of
LRS, only 31% should be detained for the real purpose of LRS.
Also 37% detainees are Falun Gong practitioners, over 70,000.

15% are petitioners, about 30,000 of them; 9% are participators
of other non-registered religious groups, about 17,000.
If these dissenters were sentenced through trial in court, the
CCP’s human rights evil violations will be widely exposed.

Independent scholars and most intellectual within the system
support abolishing the LRS.
The publics’ voice to abolish the system are also very high.

However, some high officials of the Politics and
Law Committee insisted on keeping the LRS.
Wen Jiabao also strongly called on the abolishing of the
LRS in “BeiDaiHe” meeting.
However, Zhou Yongkang warned that the LRS is to ensure
the crack down the domestic hostile forces.
If it is abolished completely, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) will be at risk of collapse.

Human right attorney in Shandong, Li Xiangyang: “In China,
the Political and Law committee completely disordered the law frame system of public security, procurator and court.
In this situation, if they abolish the LRS,
they will lose the tool by which they can be domineering.
Will their energies of domineering reduce?
They will keep the system firmly in place.”

Now, the main basis of LRS is the trial measure
for reeducation through labor collated in 1982.
However, the trial measures were performed 30 years.

The scholars and legal professionals attacked it thinking
it was the production of “Party’s power is bigger than the law”.

Li Xiangyang: “First,
the Chinese LRS violated the constitution.
In essence, just because the CCP power is bigger than the
Law in China, the LRS came out in this situation.
This is the most significant sign of lawlessness in China.”

Whether abolishing the controversial LRS, from “man rule”
to “law rule”, is an important sign of Xin Jinpin’s policy plan.

Zhang Jielian: “The argument on abolishing the LRS always
exists, including different factions’ struggle and peoples’ voices.
Recently, things have intensified.

I believe it is the touchstone of real reform, by really abolishing
gangster means and going down legal democratic road.”

Li Xiangyang: “for Xi Jinpin’s leaderships, if they hope to keep
social justice and developing reasonably, they must abolish LRS.
If under Xi’s leadership they still want to keep the LRS, it shows
that Xi can’t change the CCP’s evil nature which will continue.”

The article also mentioned, though it was an inside discussion,
it could influence the future policies.
And it could trigger a political fighting inside the Party.

Keeping LRS and not opening up its composition
can lead to large-scale social protest, even becoming the trigger point of a Chinese “Arab Spring”.