
【新唐人2012年11月15日讯】 【看新闻学英语】

China’s Luxury Sales Look for Boost from Leadership Change
中国奢侈品销售 从领导权更迭中寻求助力



1. luxury [ˋlʌkʃərɪ] n.奢侈、奢华
2. boost [bust] n.v.促进
3. swirle [swɝl] v.旋转
4. big-ticket [ˋbɪgˋtɪkɪt]adj.高价的
5. uptick [ˋʌptɪk] n.生意兴旺
6. dent [dɛnt] v. 使蹋陷
7. hold back v.phr. 抑制

China observers have had their eyes trained on the upcoming 18th Party Congress, and the power struggle swirling around the Communist Party leadership. But it’s not just political changes that may come after the Party meeting, some say it could bring changes in spending patterns on big-ticket luxury items.

Bloomberg reported on Wednesday (October 31) that some are expecting an uptick in luxury good sales next year, after the slowing economy dented performances.
彭博社周三( 10月31日)报导,一些人预期明年奢侈品的销售,在经济迟缓表现不佳后,明年会有所好转。

According to Bloomberg, market watchers say Chinese luxury good buyers—many of whom purchase pricey items for gifting—have held back this year.


8. scrutiny [ˋskrutnɪ] n.仔细检查
9. flashy [ˋflæʃɪ] adj. 艳俗的
10. curtail [kɝˋtel] v.缩减
11. lavish [ˋlævɪʃ] adj. 铺张的
12. affiliate [əˋfɪlɪ͵et] 成员组织; 分会
13. personnel shuffle n.phr.人事改组
14. refrain [rɪˋfren] v.抑制、节制

Gifting, and using it to establish “guangxi” or relationships is essential to most business and political relations in China. But the increasing public scrutiny over corruption and flashy spending by those in power has curtailed expensive purchases and lavish receptions by communist officials and their affiliates.

The upcoming power transition has also created uncertainty for those looking to establish “guangxi”. Personnel shuffles at various levels of the government means some are refraining from gifting, in case those pricey relationships do not bear fruit after the leadership change.

Bloomberg reports that luxury good sales may get a boost after then November 8th Party Congress. The meeting is expected to bring greater certainty to the leadership structure. New leaders could also announce measures to stimulate the economy.

本则影音新闻出处:新唐人英语新闻 http://bit.ly/Rt4VWK
本专栏由李德良老师主编 www.bosenglish.com