【禁闻】中共官员财产难公开 广东能幸免?








事实上,在广东省之前,新疆阿勒泰、四川高县、湖南浏阳等地都试行过官员财产公开,但是不久都“偃旗息鼓”。国内研究人员之前分析: 由于官员抵触,和缺少法律支撑,以及基层探索的局限性,都决定了官员财产公开说起来“轰轰烈烈”,走起来“举步维艰”。








采访/李莲 编辑/尚燕 后制/王明宇

Official Assets Hard to Publicize

According to People's Daily on 5th Dec., it is trying in
Guangdong Province to select a county or district in Yuebei
and Pearl River Delta, respectively, to carry out household
assets declarations of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.
In1987, the official property declaration system
was first proposed, but failed to gain legislation over the
years, and the trials in different places have all failed.
How about the pilot project in Guangdong?

The report said, The Guangdong Provincial Commission for
Discipline Inspection learned from Hong Kong and Macao as
well as the experience of other countries, and picked out a
county or region in Yuebei and the Pearl River Delta region
to carry out the declaration of officials'household
properties, and publicized it in a certain area.
The work is now in advance.

Dr. Xie Tian, a professor of economics in University of
South Carolina, said it is very intriguing for this 'pilot' and
'publicizing in certain areas'.

Economics Professor Xie Tian in USC: It is a pilot study,
and will publicize within a certain area, people will easily
find they are not serious at all, and it won't be real.
What is the area?
Within the high-ranking officials and middle- level officials?
It is equal to not publicizing at all.
I feel this is a trick to fool people.

In 2012, when the Bureau of Corruption Prevention was
established in Guangzhou, Zhaoqing and Zhongshan in
Guangdong Province, it was proposed that the officials should
declare household properties.
However, these proposals were all tending to explore the
implementation of officials household properties declaration.
As for the publicizing and supervising, it was not included
within the range of this study.

China economic expert Jason Ma pointed out that in 1994,
the 8th National People's Congress officially included
property income declaration in the legislative plan,
but no relevant laws have been released so far.

Jason Ma: In the absence of independent media monitoring,
with an independent judiciary system, talking about the
property declaration, the CCP officials
could report anything false.
It is just a role of showing off, and
cannot eradicate corruption.

Before Guangdong Province, in Altay, Xinjiang, Gao County in
Sichuan and Liuyang in Hunan had tried out the officials
property declaration, but all failed.
Domestic researchers analyzed due to the contradictions of
officials and lack of legal support, as well as limitations of
grass-roots investigations, it made the property declaration
vigorous in saying, but difficult in doing.

However, in Guangdong Province, they still went the old way
to start from the grassroots level this time.
The only difference is that Guangdong Province advertised to
“learn from Hong Kong, Macao and other countries".
Will this make the Guangdong pilot
survive, and even to expand and be promoted?

Xie Tian: There is probably no way to do it.
We now know the entire system of CCP has failed.
People have special means to deal with any policy.
In some provinces, it is also said to gradually
implement the pilot study.
In a few years, the officials may have transferred
all of their properties away.
Two years later, maybe all corrupted officials
have moved to USA.
What's the use of publicizing the properties
of official who have left?

In the recent U.S. presidential election, Obama and Romney
both disclosed property tax returns, and there was little
questioning about it.
Why can U.S. government officials retain
the trust of its citizens?

Jason Ma: The state-level civil servants wages can be found
online, any other income is subject
to FBI special investigation.
As an independent institution, it supervises every official.
Tax return fraud is not a simple moral issue, you could be
sent to prison for it, it is a serious crime.
Media will also do a check to ensure that this is valid.

Xie Tian: The most critical thing is that in policy and system,
the US ensures its accounting system, legal system, or
inspection system, it is a separation of powers and balances,
ensuring officials will have difficulties to perform
long-term deliberate corruption.

In Guangdong Province, it was disclosed an official called
'Uncle House'two days ago.

Zhou Xikai, the deputy director of Public Security Bureau in
Shunde District, Foshan, Guangdong Province, was revealed to
own hundreds of millions of mansions and shops.
After Shunde District Commission for Discipline Inspection
got involved in the investigation, on 3rd December, they only
released the condition of one mansion to the media,
as for properties and shops, there was no response.