

英国《金融时报》24号的文章“爱国主义教育扭曲了中国人的世界观”,写道:蔡洋的母亲,为21岁儿子用自行车锁殴打一名开丰田车的车主时,辩解说:“学校一直向学生灌输这样的观念,那就是日本是个邪恶的民族。而这些日子你一打开电视机,大多数节目和连续剧都是抗日故事,你怎么能不恨日本人呢?” 文章表示,“她的话有相当的道理”。











采访/田净 编辑/宋风 后制王明宇

UK Media: Chinese Communist Party Patriotic Education Warps Chinese Worldview

During an anti-Japanese demonstration this
September in Xi’an, a man named Cai Yang
cracked the skull of a Japanese car owner.

Cai Yang asserted that he is being patriotic,
and was boycotting Japanese goods.
However, the object of Cai’s attack was not a Japanese
person but a was 50-year-old Chinese citizen.
How could this happen with today’s Chinese people?

UK media comment that this is a warped worldview formed
by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) patriotic education.

Financial Times Chinese website
published an article on Dec. 24.
It stated that patriotic education has
warped Chinese people’s worldview.
Cai Yang’s mother defended her son, saying that “Cai
has long been instilled with such a world view in school.”
“That is, Japan is an evil nation.”

“Most of the recent TV programs and TV
serials all involve anti-Japanese stories.
How can you not hate the Japanese then?”

Financial Times Chinese commented
that, “her words really make sense.”

Gong Shengli, Chinese Scholar: "Chinese people view it
as a channel to vent, by boycotting Japanese products
and protesting Japan’s occupation of the Diaoyu Islands.

In this way, Japan actually wasn’t given due condemnation.
Rather, many Chinese became victims of such a riot.”

The FT article reviews that after the 1989 Tiananmen incident
and the collapse of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc,
the CCP launched a nationwide neo-patriotic education
campaign which has lasted until today.
That is, selectively educating history, highlighting
foreign aggressors’ cruelty when invading China.
This replaces previous CCP ideological
education dominated with "class struggle".
This neo-patriotic education has evaded injustices and
mistakes that have been committed by CCP rulers.
The FT article comments that the communist
regime uses a history of Western aggression
to foster nationalism within the Chinese youth.

Gong Shengli: "Its education is biased, such as its TV
programs, full of power struggles, violence and bloodiness.
All these advocate an all-out power struggle."

Gong Shengli remarks that the CCP’s
governance is still based on violence.
This led to the CCP overriding all laws in China.

The CCP’s education also teaches Chinese
a blind belief of violence, says Gong.

The FT article indicates the aftermath of this
patriotic education, that in the world,
today’s China is viewed as a powerful but scary state,
which often bullies weaker nations.
However, in the minds of numerous Chinese,
China is still very poor, weak and humiliating.

In reality, except for North Korea and Pakistan,

nearly all other major Asian countries have had territorial
disputes with China, with the most intense being with Japan.
The FT says that the Japanese hardliners'
landslide victory in this month’s election
may lead to regional China-Japan conflicts.

On Dec. 24, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
released the “Beige Book” on the international situation.
It admits a continuous escalation
of the Diaoyu Islands disputes.
The report claims that it does not rule out an
escalation of tensions, and even erupting clashes.

Critic Zhu Keming interprets the true intentions behind
the CCP’s propaganda of patriotism and nationalism.
The regime’s goal is not to safeguard
territorial integrity, but to keep CCP rule.
China’s territories can be gifted anytime
to meet CCP’s political needs, he says.

Zhu Keming: “A lot of China’s territories
were proactively traded away by the CCP.
It fears making this information public.

Wasn’t it Jiang Zemin who traded away the
largest amount China’s territories in history?
By contrast, the regime now vigorously makes
a big fuss on a small island and Taiwan issues.
In fact, the CCP has traded away several million
square kilometers of China’s territories, including
Outer Mongolia, Sino-Indian border territory.
It also includes large areas in Northeast China.

The culprits include Zhou Enlai,
Jiang Zemin and Mao Zedong.”

In December 1999, Jiang Zemin signed a Protocol on the
Sino-Russian Boundary with the Russian government.
The lands covered were given
away to Russia by Jiang Zemin.
The protocol also admitted nine unequal
items of the Sino-Russian treaty.
The ceded territory was about 300 million square
kilometers, equivalent to more than 100 Taiwans.
