【禁闻】9成受访者不信 财产公开成夹生饭?








对此,网友(“迷失水晶猫”)留言说:“居然还有一成人天真的相信,贪官们 更不相信。”还有网友(“乐活潜水员”)则讥笑说:“那剩下的1成人就是官员本人和家属了 。”




法学和中国问题研究专家 赵远明:“新提拔的官员,他可能相对来讲比较清廉。当他位置比较低时,一,他没有这种能力;不公平,新任官员估计也难以接受。





采访/李韵 编辑/王子琦 后制/陈建铭

Over 90% Distrust CCP Officials’ Publicized Assets

In many countries, publicizing the officials’ assets has
become an institutionalized measure in preventing corruption.
In Mainland China, the measure is in a state of ‘all talk
and no action’ or as locals put it, “only thunder, but no rain”.
Pilot programs in Guangdong, Jiangsu and other provinces
have brought great concern—as a survey shows,
more than 90% of people say, they do not trust the
legitimacy of the officials’ property publications.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s,
new leader Xi Jinping promoted anti-corruption and
a ‘change in style’ right after taking power,
introducing some new measures.
Secretary of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,
Wang Qishan, also raised a “deeper fight against corruption”
last November; triggering the publication of official assets as
an anti-corruption tool—it’s an issue of public concern lately.

Pilot programs for publicizing the officials’ properties are
being implemented in 27 cities and counties in the mainland.
The Hengqin New District, Guangzhou Nansha New District,
and Shaoguan Shixing County are 3 new areas adopting it.

China Youth Daily published an online survey on January 7
saying, over 90% of the 5,604 people surveyed do not trust the publicized property reports,
due to typical ‘gray income’
and ease in the transfer of property.

In each of the areas, different standards have been used
regarding what type of property needs to be publicized.
For example, in Jiangbei District of Chongqing, family
members and promoted officials are not required to
publicize their property—the information is made known
to the CCP and kept officially.

Current Affairs Observer in Beijing said that many officials
had hidden their properties, they transfer their properties by all secret means.

[Hua Po,]: “In China, many officials or their wives and
children have no property under their names,
since property can be transferred through other means,
like a secret account.
The seven Standing Committee members
did announce their property recently,
but it was limited to husband and wife,
and their children weren’t included.
The officials’ great reluctance to participate, along with
the program’s lack of thoroughness has caused distrust from the majority of people.”

Netizen ("Lost Crystal Cat") said, "In actuality,
some people are even naïve enough to believe the reports;
corrupt officials, of course, do not believe them.”

Netizen (“Happy Divers") said, "What about the other 10%?
—must be the officials themselves and their families."

Lawyer and China expert, Zhao Yuanming, points out that,

the CCP has always relied on lies and deception to maintain
its dictatorship; this long-term image causes public distrust.

[Zhao Yuanming]: "You name it—corruption;
womanizing; sexual misconduct;
maintaining mistresses in the double or even triple digits—
it’s all ripe in the history of the CCP.
Some low ranking officials have pocketed a ton of money,
even as much as hundreds-of-millions.
The public remember that those officials who were exposed
had accumulated such great wealth.
But when the officials publicize their assets, the figures
have shrunk drastically—it’s not proportionate at all.”

Among the 27 pilot cities and counties, Huai'an, Jiangsu,
Chongqing’s Qianjiang District and Jiangbei District are
reported to have experienced the least amount of resistance
in implementing the publication program.
Yet it’s worth noting—the program has been applied firstly
to the newly promoted officials or those awaiting promotion.

[Zhao Yuanming]: "Newly promoted officials may be relatively
straight; because of their low rank they lack the skill and greed.”

Yet, Hua po says, the new officials’ disclosures
are also hard to believe.

[Hua Po]: "It’s hard to accept,
because the contrast is too great;
their predecessors acquired so much and
now these officials say they have hardly anything.
After all, it’s the public’s hard earned money
they’re taking—how can they escape punishment?
The whole thing is very unreasonable
and the public do not agree with it either.”

Nearly 100 countries and regions worldwide are applying
this public disclosure of official property, and it was first introduced in China in 1987.
After a gestation period of 25 years,
it’s now still proving difficult to implement.

[Zhao Yuanming]: "To really publicize assets needs mass
public supervision;
otherwise, it’s only about going through the motions
and is based on fooling the public.
The key issue of system reform is on having a public
supervision procedure."

Hua Po says he is not optimistic about the
CCP’s disclosure of official assets.
He said that how much they will disclose
remains to be seen,
but under the premise of maintaining the CCP’s dictatorship,
it’s likely the program will be ran half-heartedly
—it’s like making a pot of half-cooked rice.