【禁闻】传李建国遭调查 评:非终极目标



















采访/常春 编辑/王子琦 后制/萧宇

Li Jianguo not the Ultimate Goal: Anti-Corruption Continues

Since Xi Jinping took office as Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) secretary general,
the CCP has removed two of its officials at
the deputy ministerial-level, due to corruption.
According to the latest rumors, the fight is continuing as
the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection are now
investigating the new CCP Politburo member Li Jianguo,
after netizens reported his alleged involvement in nepotism.
If rumors are true, Li Jianguo will be the most senior
official to be fired since the 18th Congress, with the shortest term in the Politburo.

Hong Kong’s Ming Pao reported on January 26 that,
Xi Jinping had vowed to fight both “tigers” and “flies”
—powerful leaders and lowly bureaucrats
— in their anti-corruption battle.
Talks of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
(CCDI) fighting ‘tigers’ has now spread in Beijing.
Ming Pao says the National People's Congress vice chairman
Li Jianguo may be under investigation—but this is unverified.

The official report says Li Jianguo hasn’t been
seen in public for over one month.

Hong Kong’s Trend Magazine disclosed that
the mental pressure on Li Jianguo had been too high,
causing him to go twice to the People's Liberation
Army General Hospital (also called the 301 Hospital).

December 2012, Chinese netizen Han Longguang posted
on his micro-blog that one of the youngest department-level
officials, Zhang Hui, born in the 80’s, who is a member of
the Jining City CCP Committee, is the nephew of Li Jianguo.
While Li Jianguo was the Shandong Provincial secretary,

Zhang Hui had been promoted from deputy-director-level
to deputy-department-level, within eight months.

Reports say police have arrested the netizen Han Longguang,

but Beijing authorities have not responded to the rumors of
investigations being conducted on Li Jianguo.

Political commentator Liu Guohua says, Li Jianguo’s case
is an example of Xi Jinping fighting both tigers and flies.

[Liu Guohua]: "Li Jianguo should be regarded as a ‘tiger’,

but in the process of Xi Jinping’s ‘fighting both tigers
and flies’, he can be seen as a transitional figure.
Xi Jinping’s final aim is not anti-corruption
but to destroy all of Jiang Zemin’s faction.”

Liu Guohua says, Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang,

and the gangsters from Jiang’s faction are planning
a political coup, using Bo Xilai’s case to ultimately replace Xi.
Under the current situation, Xi Jinping can only
talk about ridding corruption from the CCP;
but he would be very clear that his first task is to survive,
which is also the purpose behind his ‘fighting both tigers and flies’.

[Liu Guohua]: “Those who want to harm Xi is Jiang’s faction
—Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang, etc., so Xi will fight them;
he has to do it to postpone the death of the CCP
and to save his own life.”

The U.S. Wall Street Journal published an article on Jan. 9th

saying that Xi Jinping’s real enemy is not the public,
but some of his colleagues within the CCP.

[Liu Guohua]: ”Jiang Zemin has been saying that
the CCP’s greatest danger is Falun Gong,
but this not the case at all with Xi Jinping, who sees
China’s biggest enemy as the Jiang Zemin faction.”

Among the falling ‘tigers’ investigated shortly after the CCP’s
18th National Congress last November were Li Chuncheng,
former deputy secretary of Sichuan province, and Yi Junqing,
former director of the Central Compilation and Translation
Bureau of the Central Committee—both ministerial officials,
who became symbols in the anti-corruption campaign.
Since then, ministerial and deputy-department-level officials
have been dismissed one after another, showing that
the target of Xi and Li’s anti-corruption
is gradually pointing towards the senior level.

Trend Magazine reported that National People's Congress
vice chairman and secretary general, Li Jianguo,
was eager to seek power after his promotion,
but he was frequently reported on for his corruption.
From November 17th to the second half of December 2012,

netizens have posted 75 internet articles reporting on
Li Jianguo’s corruption; using their real names in the reports.
And the CCDI and the Central Organization Department
have received nearly 300 letters reporting on Li.

Reports say, the Politburo had their second
learning meeting prior to the new year,
where CCDI Secretary Wang Qishan and Central
Organization Department minister Zhao Leji told
Li Jianguo to make a serious self-reflection.

Cao Siyuan, who has worked in the State Council Office
and the Reform Commission of State Economy, says
the anti-corruption campaign should begin with
looking at the CCP system.

[Cao Siyuan]: "The world’s history has proved that
it’s better to separate the nation’s powers, so they can balance each other.
Nobody should hold complete power and
this guarantees there’s no monopoly.
If China doesn’t change its system, its officials will become
corrupt one after another—after arresting some,
there are constantly more to arrest, and corruption stays.”

However, on January 28th the Epoch Times published
a feature report pointing out that,
all major social reforms need the highest level officials
to reach a political agreement and have the public’s basic trust in the government.
But these conditions do not exist in today’s China,
meaning the CCP has zero capacity to reform and improve.