【禁闻】中共要迁都?专家:迁到哪 毁到哪






民间环保专家 张峻峰:“尤其是2008年奥运会之后,我们考察了一些地区,也做了比较深入的研究,发现象中国这样一种管理体制,这样的首都规模,迁到任何一个地方都会对当地造成不可估量的、一种毁灭性的破坏,所以,迁都还是不迁为好。”



美国纽约城市大学政治学教授夏明:“中国目前环境污染不仅仅只是北京问题, 天津、上海、成都其他地方也都污染很厉害, 所以现在不是说你要迁都的问题,中国领导人如果把它的发展建立在一个高污染、完全不顾环保、没有可持续性发展模式上,所有这些都不是解决的办法,唯一的解决办法就是,中共的统治必须要顾及全国人民。”





采访/常春 编辑/张天宇 后制/李月

CCP Moves the Capital?

As the Beijing smog once again increases,
potentially fatal substances have been detected in the air.
As a result, many in Beijing are increasingly panicking.

“Moving the Capital to Xinyang” issue has nearly subsided,
but become the focus of public concern and discussion again.
Soon numerous online posts shared different opinions
to those of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Xinyang residents don’t want Beijing authorities to move
the capital to their hometown, as they don’t want their homeland to be ruined.

Beijing is suffering from serious traffic jams,
lack of water, sand-storms and rapid population expansion.
Even the air contains significant harmful toxic substances,
which netizens call "air doomsday" or "end of the world."
A growing concern for all these factors has spiked
Beijing peoples’ fear, and discontent is growing.

Mr. Li (Beijing resident): "We are helpless. Drinking water
is polluted, so we have to buy purified water instead.
For air pollution, you can’t just install a purifier.
We can only stay at home, there’s nothing we can do!”

On Jan 9th, mainland media reported on an article
published on Xinyang Reform Research Center’s website.
The article claims that after conducting research on Xinyang,
the CCP decided to move the capital to Xinyang by 2016.
Immediately, netizens increasingly discussed the issue
of the reality and feasibility of moving the capital.

Environmental expert Zhang Junfeng commented that many
environmentalists in the 1990's discussed moving the capital.
Zhang was the one who strongly advocated moving.
Now, however, he has had a radical change in his mind.

Zhang Junfeng: “Especially after the 2008 Olympic Games,
we inspected a number of regions, conducted a deeper study.
We found that with a management system like China,
no matter where the capital is moved to, immeasurable damage will be caused to the locals.
It’s better not to move.”

Neitzens in Xinyang share the same opinion.

They are worried that if the capital moves to their hometown,
the CCP will ruin their environment, just like in Beijing.

Xia Ming, political science professor at City University
of New York, believes the presented solution to China’s environmental pollution won’t solve the problem.

Xia Ming: "Pollution is not only limited to Beijing. It is also
an issue in Tianjin, Shanghai, Chengdu, and other areas.
So the issue isn’t whether to move or not.

If the Chinese leadership sets up the new capital
with their practiced disregard for the environment, no methods will provide solutions.
The only solution is for the CCP to consider the entire nation.”

Xia added that the CCP’s highly centralized dictatorship
causes all resources to flock to Beijing.
This causes resource depletion and environment degradation.
The problem’s unresolved no matter where the capital moves.

Zhang Junfeng said that it is better to control the environment
ecologically rather than moving due to its deterioration.
This form of deterioration has threatened
the survival of all human beings.

Zhang Junfeng: “China’s pollution doesn’t only effect the air,
but also rivers, including other issues relating to the ecological environment.
The pollution has a bad effect on our health,
the most harmful being the change in human DNA.”

Zhang warns that the DNA’s changing will cause
various cancers, or other weird diseases.
In the end, this may lead to the extinction of humankind.
