【禁闻】习近平再喊依法治国 恐遇最大敌人

















采访/常春 编辑/王子琦 后制/君卓

Xi Jinping Meets Major Obstacles in Calls for Rule of Law

After displaying his "constitutional dream,"
Xi Jinping,Secretary General of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), has released a slogan.

“Manage state affairs, politics and
administration by rule of law.”
Commentators say that Xi Jinping faces strong
opposition in implementing “rule of law.”

What or who is this opposition? We investigate.

According to the CCP controlled Xinhua News Agency,
Xi Jinping has stressed rule by law and constitution.
This was during a meeting of the CCP Political
Bureau of Central Committee on February 23.
He has required the formation of a legal environment, and
that laws be strictly enforced, with violators being prosecuted.

In discussing selection of officials, Xi Jinping said,
“Government departments at all levels should consider
an official’s ability to rule by law, during his evaluation.

Xi also emphasized that as the ruling party,
the CCP should adhere to "rule by law".

This is important for the legal administration of the country.

Political commentator Lin Zixu believes that rule of law first
requires independent legislative and law enforcement agencies.
When the CCP claims to implement rule of law, its
only under the guidance of CCP 18th Assembly.
It is also under the guiding ideology of "Deng,
Jiang & Hu,” which only ends up being a joke.
Lin Zixu questions whether there can be
rule of law under a single Party system?

Lin Zixu: “At the meeting, Xi Jinping stressed that all Party
organizations must abide by the Constitution and other laws.

Chinese people may have become indifferent to such cliches.

Imagine Obama publicly says that the U.S. Democratic
Party must abide by the law, and that the U.S. government
at all levels should take the lead in abiding by the law,
people will simply laugh themselves to tears.”

Ma Longshan, Institute of World History Study,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences:
“[Xi Jinping] has made some efforts in establishing law,
but problems remain as to how to enforce such laws.”

Zhang Zanning, lawyer and law professor
at Southeast University, commented.

Although the CCP has enacted many laws
and introduced many slogans during its 60
years of rule, they all end up as empty talk.

Zhang Zanning: “The CCP has already said this in the past.

Deng Xiaoping mentioned that law should be
institutionalized, but he was unable to exercise it.
Because there is no democratic mechanism to enforce it,
finally Deng changed the laws that he enacted himself.

Zhang pointed out that constitutional democracy
is an irresistible trend in the world.
If what the CCP practices runs counter to its
slogans, that will incur increasing violent protests.
He believes that China must first thoroughly reject
Mao Zedong, if it is to implement rule of law.
Mao’s portrait must be removed from Tiananmen Square,
and the "leftist" ideoogy must be completely eradicated.

Some commentators also pointed out that the Constitution
dictates that citizens have the freedom of religious belief.

To talk about rule of law, the CCP must first
terminate its systemic and illegal arresting
and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Chinese Constitution prescribes that
Chinese citizens have freedom of speech.
Some commentators say that to talk about rule
of law, the CCP must abide by the Constitution.
It should stop punishing innocent people simply
for talking about constitutional democracy.

Lin Zixu: “Ordinary Chinese people
live in fear and worry every day.

The truly lawless people are none other than
CCP officials and their family members,
such as Li Tianyi, son of Li Shuangjiang.

As long as the CCP exists, it is impossible
to establish a real legal system in China.
In other words, the CCP, which keeps talking about rule
of law, is precisely the biggest obstacle to the rule of law.”

At the beginning of the Chinese New Year,
“Southern Weekend” stressed Xi Jinping’s
“constitutional dream” in its foreword.

This was deleted by Guangdong
province propaganda chief Tuo Zhen.

On January 7, the CCP suddenly announced
that it was canceling its decades-long system
of re-education through labor within the year.

At the same time, Xi Jinping once again stressed
his “constitutional dream” in high-profile.

Lin Zixu: “The Central Propaganda Department
controlled by Liu Yunshan openly challenges this.
Who is behind Liu Yunshan? The answer is nothing
else but the interest groups supporting the CCP system.
If rule of law indeed becomes a heated public topic,
their interests will be threatened, and their crimes exposed.”

Therefore, Lin Zixu says he does not rule out the possibility
that Xi Jinping means to promote the rule of law, but under
CCP rule, this slogan can never see real implementation.