





陈希同六四前夕去世 北京秘不发丧




陈希同,1983年4月到1993年1月担任北京市长。 1989年“六四”事件时,曾经和参与民运的学生对话﹔被指为镇压学生运动及戒严的总指挥,但陈希同后来否认。

中共严控纪念六四 民众不惧封锁








Families Of 120 Victims From Jinlin Fire Disaster
Clashed With Police

On June 3, a big fire disaster occurred at “Baoyuanfeng
Poultry company” in Dehui city, Jilin province.
Killing at least 120 people.

Now the families of the victims are identifying
their family members via DNA tests.

Many families are waiting on national road 102 near
the disaster site and hope their relatives come out.
However, they were surrounded by 500~600 police.
Some officials tried to persuade them to leave.

Jilin government formed a working group to deal with
each victim so as to maintain the so-called “stability”.
They claimed it was to prevent “mass incidents”.

It caused anger among the people, who condemned officials'
carelessness over lives while focusing on maintaining “stability”.

On June 4, British "Reuters News" reported that
some families of the victims blockaded roads.
Many families members knelt down on
the middle of road in Dehui city.
They asked the authority to give them the reason for
the incident and clashed with the police.

Chen Xitong Died before June 4th Anniversary,
Which Was Kept Secret.

On June 4, China News Agency in Mainland China reported

that when the June 4th incident took place in 1989, Chen Xitong
served as Beijing mayor. He died at 9:54am on June 2, 2013.

Voice of America quoted sources that Chen's son, Chen Xiaotong
with his wife Ye Zi issued statement to inform the public.
They confirmed Chen's death.

Overseas Chinese website Boxun claimed that Chen's corpse
had been cremated in Changping Crematorium.
Because of the sensitive time of June 4th, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) didn't announce Chen's death.
Chen's occupation was filled as photographer on
the form when he was cremated.

Chen served as Beijing major from April 1983
to January 1993.
When June 4 incident happened in 1989,
Chen went to talk to students.
Later, he was claimed as general commander to crack down
on students' protests. However, Chen denied it.

The Chinese Regime Restricted June 4 Anniversary Events
But The Public Carry On

Anniversary of the June 4 incident were more strictly controlled
than ever by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On June 4, many police in Beijing blockaded entrance to
Wan'an graveyard where the June 4th victims are buried.
“Tiananmen mothers” go there on June 4 every year
to commemorate the victims.

The locations of June 4th incident, such as Tiananmen
and Muxudi also had tightened security by Beijing police.

Someone patrolled around the place where former general
secretary of the CCP Zhao Ziyang lived.
A reporter of L'Agency France-Presse, tried to take photos
of a petitioner being taken away, but was stopped by police.

However, although the CCP strictly implemented a blockage,
many sensitive words were censored online.
Many netizens commemorated the June 4th incident
by different ways.
These included posting pictures on microblog of a little man
in front of tanks wears clothes with pictures hint at June 4.

On June 4, Beijing human rights activist Hujia urged
wearing black clothes and lighting candles to commemorate victims of the June 4 incident.
Many people responded with support.

In the morning, many people wore black dress to Tiananmen
Square and took photos in front of People's Heroes Monument.
Then they posted the photos on the Internet.