【禁闻】中国金融动荡 政治因素暗流汹涌












采访编辑/秦雪 后制/周天

Political Factors Overshadow China’s recent Financial Turmoil

A Fortune article wrote that, Chinese stock markets halted
their plunge on 25th June after China’s central bank issued
a reassuring statement to dispel investors’ worries
about the lack of liquidity in China's interbank loan markets.
The rates of China's interbank loans also fell from
over 20% to around 6%.
However, many questioned remain to be answered.
What are the causes of this financial turmoil?
Will the crackdown on shadow banks make
China’s economy even worse?

There are many theories about the recent seizing-up of
China's interbank loan market.
Many speculate that China’s central bank have engineered
an artificial credit squeeze to crack down on China's shadow
banking sector, such as to prevent the bursting of
the credit bubble.
However, American political scientists Minxin Pei published
an analysis article in Fortune magazine on 27th June which
presents another theory.
Pei believes that, rather than being plotted by China’s
central bank, the incident is most likely a botched response
by the Chinese monetary authorities to a problem that
has been long been in the making but exploded without
warning and caught them completely by surprise.

Xia Yeliang, a professor of economics at Peking University,
agrees with Pei’s theory.

Xia Yeliang, professor of economics at Peking University:
“Although the central bank now pressures the banks by
making them responsible for their own business,
this was not artificially plotted from the very beginning.

The central bank simply requires all the banks to take
their own risks as the situation has become so bad.
I think this is the right move.”

Xia Yeliang remarked that, one of the causes of
the credit squeeze was over-lending by the bank system.
As the bank industry is not well regulated in China,

it didn’t stock enough capitals to support the
lending magnitude and thus resulted in a weak cash flow.
Therefore the banks will fail to respond if a large scale
of cash withdrawals were requested.

Xia Yeliang: “Where has the money gone?

It was used to put up rash establishments, such as image
projects that may cost as much as a trillion Yuan.
Almost every industry is doing the same thing.

As many projects have failed, the banks cannot
get the money back.
Now the banks are borrowing money from each other.

They feel that the cash can vitalize the business which is
necessary to keep their reputation, and the lending rate
has increased to over 10% or even 20%.
For banks this is definitely a crazy move
that results in their killing themselves.”

Xia Yeliang said, many risks have been stored in
China’s economy; there are many structural problems
that have not been solved for a long time;
all of these will break out at a certain time.

Xia Yeliang: “There is an inflation problem.

There is also excess monetary growth forced
by RMB appreciation.
Recently there has been a cash flow problem.

All this results from the lack of systematic regulations
of the bank system.
Currently it is still hard to tell when
the financial crisis will break out.
But we know there are many of them, such as the real
estate bubble and the dropping of foreign trade.
Talking about Chinese banks, they have been expected
to adopt modern management systems after coming onto the market.
But now we see that the changes are only superficial and
not completely structural.
There is really a hidden danger and big risks behind this.”

Feng Xingyuan, vice director of Beijing Tianze Research
Institution of Economics,
said the prosperity of shadow banks itself is a
resistance to the party’s administrative control.
If the authority simply suppresses shadow banks
without making any structural reform, China’s economy will be greatly damaged.

Feng Xingyuan: “You can see that the party’s policy is still
largely some kind of administrative control.
Therefore the majority of the market, including the banks,
will inevitably provide loans to off-balance sheet business.
The situation is similar for free money in society.

This leads to prosperity of a trust company,
interbank bond markets and loans.
This is the natural market response
to the administrative control.
Therefore if the authority insists on cracking-down on shadow
banks, it will in fact suppress the whole economy.”

A New York Times article on 27th June wrote that,

Even if Mr Xi succeeds in pushing through ambitious
economic reform packages, as we should assume he will,
growth in China is likely to be slower than
the consensus of expectations.