【禁闻】京城四恶少拼爹 李天一惨败垫底?















采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李月

Bejing Four bullies background higher than Li Tianyi’s

People are outraged after Beijing police described
a gang rape case involving Li Tianyi and four other
young males as them
“taking turns having sex with a drunk girl”.
Li Tianyi is the son of Li Shuangjiang, a well known singer
in China for the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
People once again shift their attention to this case,
but this time toward the other four youth involved.
The family background of these “Four Bullies of Beijing”
has become the hot topic online in China.
Most discussion has been around CCP officials' children.

Some netizens joked that it's no wonder that Li Tianyi
was thrown into the front of the stage,
as he's at the bottom in the competition of fathers.
He's become the scapegoat.

On June 30, a micro-blogger going by the name
“Lawyer Yuan Yulai” said on his Weibo microblog:
“Who are the other four people in the Li Tianyi Case?

Not only did the Public Security Bureau not disclose them,
Li Shuangjiang and Meng Ge also didn't disclose them.
Even the victims’ lawyer and family didn't disclose them.
This is really strange.”

One Netizen said on their Weibo: “In the social media era,
the four people’s identifies are sealed completely.
Who could they be?
Why not disclose them; do they have protection?”

Mainland Chinese writer, Jing Chu:
“It's impossible that they're from ordinary families.
I think they must have a deep family background,
thus they dare to be so reckless.
I guess that Li Tianyi’s family holds the least power
among them, and other four were not disclosed yet,
the main suspect could be from the other four.”

Liaoning netizen Mr. Zhang:
“What kind of people does Li Tianyi hang out with?
It's unlikely he mingles with poor people.
They must be people of status.
I think these four are offspring of high-level CCP officials,
and have money and power.”

Currently the most popular suspects to be the four are:
Jiang Suling, Zeng Haichao, Li Yue and Chen Qi.
Some say that they are offspring of Jiang …min,
Zeng …hong, Li …chao, another high-level officials,
and CCP army general Chen Yun.
Another version is that they are the grandson of
Jiang Zemin’s General, Zhang Wannian,
offspring of the renowned Wei Shi brothers' family,
and CCP former Politburo standing committee members.
Netizens exclaimed at their shocking background.
No wonder Li Tianyi is the scapegoat.

Mr. Li of Heilongjiang University: “I think these four men
have more powerful family than Li Tianyi. He's the weakest.”
Netizen Hou Shuai from Zhengzhou City:
“They must be children of famous high-level officials,
or those with close relationship with these officials.
We can say Li Tianyi is the weakest.”

The authorities' not disclosing the identity of the four people
also caused doubt and dissatisfaction among people.

Hou Shuai: “Why don’t the officials disclose their identity?
This is gang rape, it's just some petty crime. This behavior is just too vile.”

Facing strong demand to publish the identities of the suspects,
Beijing police say that they cannot disclose junior’s identify.
However, reporters have confirmed the four people are all adults.
Netizens are angry at the police working for the powerful.
The police had to state again they cannot interfere
with the judicial system, and were mocked by the people.

Ho Shuai: “The police do interfere with the judicial system.
China isn't a society ruled by law.
The police protect the criminal underworld and
sometimes even serve as part of that underworld.”

Jing Chu: “In Chinese society,
there is no independent judicial system and no fairness of law.
Everything has to follow the direction of the CCP.

The so-called Party isn't more than a few top-level
officials who hold power.
The judicial system dares not to touch them,
even though they've committed the most heinous crimes.“

Commentators say these speculations are a good
representation of the people’s attitude, whether true or not.
The connection of these four people to the CCP leadership,
together with netizens cursing Li Tianyi and his family,
both reflect people’s hatred of the CCP and the elite class.