【禁闻】习近平借整风立威 刘云山要背黑锅?















采访/朱智善 编辑/周平 后制/李勇

Xi Jinping Initiates a Large Scale Rectification Movement, Liu Yunshan Catches a Hot Potato

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central
Committee sent out 45 supervisory groups to implement
the “Four Morale” rectification requests by Xi Jinping,
the CCP General Secretary.
These supervisory groups are led by Liu Yunshan,
the member of Politburo Standing Committee.
The outside world believes Xi Jinping wants
to build his power as well as
throw Liu Yunshan a hot potato by asking him to take
on the responsibility of this rectification movement.
But Chinese people think the current problem in China
isn’t the CCP’s morale, but the one-party dictatorship
which doesn’t allow any supervision and results in “tigers”
and “flies” - corrupt officials are everywhere.
People are suffering exploitation and injury.

It’s reported that on July 1, the CCP Central Committee sent
out 45 supervisory groups to supervise and guide each
province, city, district, state governing unit, ministry,
state-owned enterprise, state operated financial institution, vice-ministerial level university, and so on.
Liu Yunshan, a member of Politburo Standing Committee
took the lead and Zhao Leji, the minister of the Central
Organization Department as well as Zhao Hongzhu, the Vice
Secretary of Central Discipline Commission, are deputy leaders.

It’s understood that on April 19, the CCP Central Committee
Politburo decided in a meeting to launch a so-called “Execute the Party’s Education on People Movement.”
On June 18, Xi Jinping arranged actions on this movement,
and asked to rectify the CCP’s “Four Morales” which are
formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and luxury
and a wasteful living style.

Ma Xiaoming, former Shaanxi TV reporter, said this kind
of rectification was done by Li Peng, Deng Xiaoping, Zhu Rongji, Jiang Zemin and other former CCP leaders.

Ma Xiaoming, former Shaanxi TV reporter: “China’s problem
is the one party dictatorship, one party authoritarianism.
Under one party authoritarianism, the ruling party isn’t
Official corruption and people’s injury are everywhere.

It’s testified by practice that this serious problem can’t
be solved by the so-called rectification movements.
The fundamental problem is the political system
of this one party authoritarianism.”

Ma Xiaoming believes that the current Chinese problem
isn’t related to any CCP morale, but that the CCP grabs the country.
He said, “CCP is a naked bandit gang! The problems that
China are facing now are those of an evil gang.”

Ma Xiaoming: "If they rectify according to the party’s
constitution or by the country’s law, how many officials will be free of penalty?
So from this point, they won’t do a real rectification
but go through a process, sack some officials, and use this change to beat their political opponents.”

Wei Ping, a Mainland China netizen, also said this so-called
rectification is probably another way to cheat commoners.

Wei Ping emphasized that the Chinese have lost
their confidence in CCP leaders.
The CCP corruption is worse, it totally disappoints
Chinese people, especially the petitioners.

Weiping: "In the beginning,
the CCP said beat all the tigers and flies.
A bunch of tigers and flies were sent out
to find tigers and flies.
I don’t know whether they will find anything or not?
What’s the real rectification?
All of them are interest groups. Xi Jinping should
rectify these officials, but he doesn’t do it!”

Ma Xiaoming said the famous Yan'an Rectification Movement
is actually a political movement in CCP history.
It’s a method that Mao Zedong used to move away
his political opponents.
He can’t guarantee Xi Jinping doesn’t treat it the same.

Ma Xiaoming: "I believe this time, Xi-Li might want
to remove their political opponents,
or the gang who has different political opinions
by this rectification.
The difference is they have realized that CCP is facing
a comprehensive collapse crisis now, and they want to solve the problem by rectification.
But (past) practice testified that this solution doesn’t work.”

Ma Xiaoming said if the rectification progresses lightly,
then it will be just a process.
But if it’s progressed heavily, who should be punished
and who shouldn’t be punished?
Who is clean?
He doubts the whole party should be removed.
Therefore, the are analysts who say that Xi Jinping naming
Liu Yunshan to handle this is throwing him a hot potato.