【禁闻】四川江油大桥垮塌 有人心虚了!?













编辑/秦雪 后制/李勇

Who is to Blame for the Jiangyou Bridge Collapse?

The Pan River Bridge in Jiangyou, Sichuan province,
collapsed at 11:30am July 9th, 2013, throwing many cars and pedestrians into the river.
Chinese authorities claimed this incident to be a natural
disaster, saying the bridge washed away in heavy rains.
Locals denounced this report, saying such a report before
any investigating indicates that some people are worried.
Why they worried?
Below is our report.

Jiangyou municipal government said at a news conference
on Tuesday that the recent heavy rains upstream of Pan River
caused "Pan River's flow to increase suddenly, reaching a 50-
year record at a maximum of 6,600 cubic meters per second."
Authorities said, "The high flood levels contained
a large amount of sediment, which had a strong erosive power,
resulting in the collapse of the Pan River Bridge."
But the public says that this conclusion was released before
the investigation report, showing that someone is afraid of the truth.

By 11am on July 10, six vehicles are known to have fallen
into the river, and 12 people went missing.

The Pan River Bridge was built in 1969.
Its total length is 160 meters, and it is 8 meters wide.
It is a concrete hyperbolic arch bridge.

After the May 12th Wenchuan earthquake, the Pan River
Bridge was reinforced, but five days after its reopening, the collapse took place.

Jiangyou authorities stressed that the bridge collapse
is a natural disaster, but they provided no explanation
of whether there were quality control problems or whether
there were issues with the security check.

A local netizen denounced the official explanation.

He said, "The first press conference reported that water flow
at 7000 cubic meters per second caused the bridge to collapse.
Then I will ask you, what was this bridge designed for?

The authorities were worried about this bridge in the first place
since they limited the weight and height of vehicles crossing it.
Then who decided that the bridge will serve the two-way traffic
flow as it does now?”"

This netizen said,"this is a natural disaster, but more
of a man-made disaster."

Netizens also said, "At the time of construction, the traffic
on this bridge was very light.
Now it is totally different.
Did the authorities consider this issue or not?"

A third netizen said, "When officials stand up, apologize,
and then resign for their fault after such accidents, then the country will have a future."

Other netizens also requested, "We need the truth!"

Li Bihua, editor of a supplementary forum of Hong Kong
newspaper Apple Daily, said that in China, man-made disasters are always reported as natural disasters.
What's more, after the disaster, local governments do not
learn a lesson, and only repeat the same mistake soon after.
It is simply useless for them to reconstruct the bridge to have
it collapse again.
They could simply take the money for themselves.

Recently two bridges fell in Sichuan province.

According to official media reports, one was in Mianzhu City
and the other in Xinglong.
10 km of embankment was damaged.
