【禁闻】党媒评薄案显法治 民指掩集团罪恶








北京时政观察人士华颇:“其实大家都知道,首先薄熙来的起诉来说,只是内定的三宗罪, 最深层次的根本没涉及,而且刑期也是内定的,我觉得它这个所谓的一个法庭,就是一个表演秀。”







华颇:“对于薄熙来来讲,他现在是‘无期’与15年没有区别, 他虽然在监狱里,他可以冷眼观桥,可以一直瞄着习近平,如果习近平有甚么闪失,或者是玩砸了,支持薄熙来的那些人,还有利益集团,就会随时把薄熙来重新再推出来,收拾旧山河。”



采访编辑/李韵 后制/萧宇

Real Crimes of Bo Xilai Remain Hidden

What was the reasoning behind former Chongqing Party
Secretary Bo Xilai being sentenced to life imprisonment?
Is it the result of because power struggles
within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?
Is it reflective of a progressive political and justice
system, as Chinese state media have claimed?
Does it reflect the attitude and determination
of the CCP to punish corruption in the system?
Some commentators analysed that complete disclosure
of Bo Xilai's crimes would make the CCP collapse.

On 22 September, Jinan Intermediate People's
Court issued the verdict of Bo Xilai's trial
for bribery, corruption and abuse of power.

Bo Xilai was sentenced to life imprisonment.

He is also deprived of all political rights for
life, and all personal property was confiscated.

On 23 September, the CCP state media
"People's Daily" published a commentary.
It stated that Bo Xilai's hearing highlights
"the spirit of the law and judicial justice".
It was also said to reflect the attitude and
determination of the CCP to punish corruption.

Zhang Jian, China expert, USA: "The CCP state media has
once again challenged Chinese people's moral conscience.
The regime has always been shameless.

In the Bo's case, we found that the most important
sins, that is, those of murder and crimes
against humanity, have not been addressed."

Zhang Jian also pointed out that the media's description
of 'the spirit of the law and judicial justice' is empty talk.
This is because Bo Xilai's real crimes include
the massacre of Entrepreneurs during his
"singing red and striking black" campaign.

It also includes organ harvesting from living Falun
Gong practitioners, and conspiracy to seize power,
and mobilizing the troops to surround the U.S.

Consulate when Wang Lijun fled to seek asylum.

None of these were exposed.

Wang Bei, political commentator:"Rather than
real progress, Bo Xilai's trial is fake progress.
It is the CCP dressed in an emperor's new clothes."

Even the so-called live microblogging
from the court was a selective broadcast.
The judiciary, with it's selective handling and political
Manipulation, is not an open, fair and impartial trial.

Political commentator Wang Beiji suggests that the CCP
so-called judicial progress actually hides its syndicated crime.
Complete disclosure of Bo Xilai's crimes
could make the CCP collapse immediately.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer:
"As we can tell, everything is default.
This includes pre-determining the three crimes,
as well as the final sentence for Bo Xilai.
Nothing reavealing is involved. For me, the
so-called court is just a performance show."

Hua Po analyses that Bo's withdrawal
in court was also premeditated.
They attempted to take advantage of Bo's performances,
in order to demonstrate an apparent progression in the law.

Zhang Jian:"There is no legal system
in China. It is an authoritarian society.
All Chinese people are living in a prison with different
levels of activity permitted for different people."

CCP state media claimed that Bo's trial and sentence
highlighted determined anti-corruption campaigns.

Zhang Jian:"After the CCP was founded, there has been
growing corruption, and increasing numbers of fallen officials.
This has shown that all officials move toward corruption
collectively under the CCP system and leadership."

Zhang Jian points out that the conviction of Bo Xilai
with a light corruption case is not so much a mockery
of the law, but to temporarily relieve a situation.

Hua Po suggest Xi Jinping keeps himself in danger
by placing Bo Xilai in prison without killing him.
The threat from Bo Xilai has not been eliminated.

Hua Po:"There is no difference between life
imprisonment and 15 years imprisonment for Bo Xilai.
Although he is in prison, he can keep a cold eye on Xi Jinping.

If Xi Jinping fails, Bo Xilai will be pushed
forward again by the people who support him.
He will also be backed by interest groups,
to recover the legacy he once created."

The Epoch Times newspaper disclosed that
two days before Bo's sentence, a family letter
written by Bo Xilai, while in prison, was spread.

In the letter, Bo denied the charges and would follow the
example of his father, Bo Yibo, and wait in prison quietly.
That is, Bo publicly expressed a wish to follow
Bo Yibo, in making a coming back after his detention.

The report quoted sources from a whistleblower.

The source indicates that before the trial,
Bo Xilai's relatives in Beijing had said to Bo
that Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping would fall.

The relatives said that Bo's family wouldnt' fall.