
1.餐饮后,请将椅子归位并带走您的垃圾---Please keep chair on position and keep table cleaned after dying.(请在死后将椅子归位,保持桌面清洁。)

餐饮后,请将椅子归位并带走您的垃圾---Please keep chair on position and keep table cleaned after dying.(请在死后将椅子归位,保持桌面清洁。)(视频撷图)

2.川水泼辣鸡---chicken rude and unreasonable(鸡蛮不讲理)

川水泼辣鸡---chicken rude and unreasonable(鸡蛮不讲理)(视频撷图)

3.请勿将卫生纸丢入马桶内,并保持厕所干净---Please keep the toilet clean and don't feed the toilet.(请保持厕所干净,不要给马桶喂食)

请勿将卫生纸丢入马桶内,并保持厕所干净---Please keep the toilet clean and don't feed the toilet.(请保持厕所干净,不要给马桶喂食)(视频撷图)

4.一旦失窃要报警,切莫姑息又养奸---If you are stolen, call the police at once.(如果你被别人偷了,马上叫警察)

一旦失窃要报警,切莫姑息又养奸---If you are stolen, call the police at once.(如果你被别人偷了,马上叫警察))(视频撷图)

5.70岁以上老人、孕妇及残疾人休息室---Pregnant woman over 70 and disabled people lounge(70岁以上孕妇和残疾人休息室)

70岁以上老人、孕妇及残疾人休息室---Pregnant woman over 70 and disabled people lounge(70岁以上孕妇和残疾人休息室)(视频撷图0

6.公共旅游卫生间---Public Toilet Tourism(公共厕所旅游业)

公共旅游卫生间---Public Toilet Tourism(公共厕所旅游行业)(视频撷图)

7.咱俩谁跟谁啊?---we two who and who?

8. how are you ?--- how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?

9. 你给我站住!---You Give Me Stop!

11. 马马虎虎---horse horse tiger tiger

12.你有种,我要给你点颜色看看.--- You have seed,i wil give you some color to see see.
