【禁闻】传周永康亲信吴兵案 涉曾庆红亲属

【新唐人2013年10月05日讯】传周永康亲信吴兵案 涉曾庆红亲属












非政府组织自由之家(Freedom House),日前在美国华盛顿发布的《2013网路自由》报告显示,在受调查的全球60个国家中,中国仍然是网路最不自由的国家之一。



Wu Bing's Case Involves Zeng Qinghong's Relative

The rumor of former CPC Central Political and Law
Commission secretary Zhou Yongkang under investigation
was rubbish.

As his cronies involved in corruption are investigated one by
one, Zhou's corruption chain was exposed.

October 4, Hong Kong "South China Morning Post" revealed
that Zhou Yongkang's so-called housekeeper Sichuan wealthy
businessman Wu Bing has business relationships with former
Vice President Zeng Qinghong's relatives.

Wu Bing, President of Zhong Xu Industrial Investment Ltd in
Sichuan Chengdu, was recently detained by Chinese officials
without any related details.

Outsiders believe that Wu Bing's detention could be related to
the expanding investigation of Zhou Yongkang by authorities.

South China Morning Post said Wu Bing has financial
transactions with Zhou Yongkang and same commercial
interests with Zeng Qinghong's family.

It was reported that Wu Bing established a business relationship
with Zeng Qinghong family primarily through Hong Kong-listed
"Fantasia Holdings Group".

"Fantasia Holdings' largest stockholder and executive director
is Zeng Qinghong's niece Zeng Baobao (aka Zeng Jie).

Tie liu (real-name) reported Li Changchun for ten million yuan

Well-known Mainland writer Tie liu recently published an
article in real-name to report former Communist Party Politburo
Standing Committee Li Changchun's taking ten thousand
yuan bribery.

On Oct 3, Tie Liu published details on overseas "participation"
web site alleging in 2009, the translocation of secretary and
chairman for the Calligrapher's Association from the result of
a ten million yuan trade rather than procedures.

The article said that, Zhang Biao, the secretary and vice
Chairman of China Calligraphers Association were replaced
by He Nan Calligraphers Association chairman Zhang Hai,
even though he hadn't reached retirement age.
Zhang Biao's three years early retirement came from Zhang Hai
taking the Politburo Standing Committee Li Changchun's
backdoor and paid eight million yuan (his circle said was ten
million yuan and Henan states provided five million).

Tie Liu also pointed out that the original Standing Committee
Li Changchun accepted the money and Minister of the State
of Central Propaganda Ministry Liu Yunshan also helped.

China Is Still A Country With The Least Free Network

NGO "Freedom House (Freedom House)" recently published
"2013 Internet Freedom" report in Washington showing that
China is still one of the least free Internet countries among
60 surveyed countries.

According to the "Freedom House" statistics, Iceland and
Estonia have most liberal network.
The US is still ranked as a top five freedom network country
even though it is impacted by the recent U.S. National Security
Agency monitor actions expose and has a lower score.

While China and Cuba, Iran together are listed as the world's
least free network countries for two consecutive years.