【禁闻】一张照片揭黑幕 中联重科背景曝光













采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李勇

Photo Exposes Chinese Company Linked to Regime Officials

In the last few days, the story of Chen Yongzhou,
a reporter for New Express, a Guangzhou based
newspaper, has seen dramatic events unfold.

It has led to the raising of many questions and arguments.
The story has gradually emerged through insider sources.
The case, disputed for it's credibility,
has revealed a deeper story.
It is connected with a photograph, thought to expose
fierce infighting within the Communist regimes high levels.

Reporter Chen Yongzhou, from Guangzhou
based newspaper "New Express" was arrested
recently for reporting unverified news.

"Zoomlion", a Hunan listed company has subsequently
had questions raised over it's inner workings.
A recently exposed photograph seems to suggest Zoomlion's
close relationship with the Chinese Communist regime.
It depicted former regime leader Jiang Zemin, with
Yang Zhengwu, former party secretary of Hunan Province.
Yang Zhengwu is also father-in-law to
Zoomlion Vice Chair Sun Changjun.

Zhu Jianguo, former news director, Ta Kung Pao: "This
information has shown it's more than an ordinary business.
It has its background and deeper
relationship with official interest groups."

U.S. based Epoch Times reported on the story on October 27.

When Chen Yongzhou apologized for taking a bribe, in order
to report unverified news, the photo on Twitter overseas.
Yang Zhengwu, wearing glasses and dressed
in white, is seen happily courting Jiang Zemin.

Yang Zhengwu's son-in-law is said to
be Zoomlion Vice Chair, Sun Changjun.
The photo was analyzed to confirm
the true owner of Zoomlion.
Some web users argue that this photo explains why the
regime contolled CCTV, has flattering reports on Zoomlion.
It also explains why police would rather risk
questions over legitimacy and thus cross a
provincial border to arrest Chen Yongzhou.

Zhu Jianguo: "Many illegal activities have
evolved around Chen Yongzhou's case.
It indicates that this case is more than hitting
bribery, but is touching on political infighting."

Hong Kong based Apple Daily had reported
earlier on Zoomlion Chairman, Chan Chunxin.
His father is former President of the High Court of Hunan,
Chan Shunchu, and his father-in-law is former second
secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee, Wan Da.

Also, many officials have their children place in Zoomlion.

This includes the incumbent party secretary of General
Administration of Press and Publication, Jiang Jianguo,
as well as officials at the provincial and ministerial level,
and particularly within the political and legal system.
Therefore, Zoomlion is also known as
the backyard of Hunan officials' progeny.

Hua Po, commentator on Beijing politics:
"The Internet revealed Zoomlion's background.
This fight was initiated at the local government
and level, and in the public security department.
This is clearly another challenge, from vested
interest groups, towards the new leaders, Xi and Li."

Although Zoomlion's complex background,
was exposed, New Express is not fighting alone.

Prior to Chen Yongzhou's apology, both the Chinese
Reporter Association and State Administration of Radio
Film and Television directly voiced to support New Express.

New Express had shown its firm support
of Chen and twice asked his release.
It was a tough attitude with undoubtedly had
support from Guangzhou high-level officials.
Both the Central Propaganda Department and
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
have also shown their concern for the case.

It was therefore commented that this is a case which is
more than just between the newspaper and Zoomlion.
It is actually a contest between the central
regime and the interest groups that back Zoomlion.

Hua Po: "Xi and Li want to break the vested interest
group. To share the pie, they have to take some action.
I believe Zoomlion represents Hunan vested interest groups,
and has inextricable links with Hunan local government.
Surely it's a stumbling block for Xi and Li's reform.

To ensure Xi and Li's political movement, they have to crush
Zoomlion and the vested interest groups acting behind it."

Commentator Hua Po does not believe
the New Express case has ended.
All other vested interest groups are watching and learning.

Hunan seems to have its way for now, but
the central regime is very likely to hit back.
Consequently, this internal struggle will escalate.

Interview Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-production