










美国会听证郭飞雄案 吁释放良心犯





Netizens Questions: Tiananmen Crash Is A Terrorist Attack

On Oct. 30, Beijing police announced that the Tiananmen
crash has a conclusion.
China's Central Television reported that three Uighurs
in the car are Usmen Hasan, his wife and mother.
Police have arrested five suspects in connection with the crash.

Beijing police have described the incident as "a violent terror
attack carefully planned, organized and premeditated."

The officials' comments caused strong questions
from netizens.
Many believe a husband, wife and mother committing
a suicide attack, is unprecedented in terrorist attacks.

Li Mingbo, media person in Mainland China says many
suicide bombers do so to become a religion martyr,
but it also has a material motivation.

Their family will receive a lot of money in compensation.

It is very rare to carry all family members to
commit a suicide attack.

China's Financial Digest official Weibo posted an interview
with Ilham Tohit, Uyghur scholar, Deputy Professor at Minzu
University of China.

Ilham says even if the incident was committed by a Uighur,
it shouldn't be immediately labeled a terrorist attack.
Han Chinese also can use extreme ways to protest,
will they be treating it as terrorism?
Why was an Uighur involved and they are labeled a
terrorist Ilham questioned.

However, the questions on Weibo were soon deleted.

AFP: Tiananmen Crash Is A Big Loss Of Face
For Communist China

The Tiananmen crash aroused global media attention.

On Oct. 30, AFP reported that analysts say the Tiananmen
crash "represents an embarrassing failure for the nation's
vast police and intelligence apparatus."

Experts on China affairs say that it is a big loss of face
for the Chinese regime.
If the Chinese Ministry of Public Security cannot secure
Tiananmen, it shows that China is insecure as a whole.

The US Subcommittee Hearing: Guo Feixiong and
Freedom of Expression in China

Activist Guo Feixiong has been detained for over 80 days.
The regime didn't allow his lawyer or his family to see him.
On Oct. 29, the US Congress held an open hearing
for Guo Feixiong's case.
They urged the US to push Beijing to immediately release
Guo and other prisoners of conscience who are carrying out
their civil rights, belief and freedom of expression.

Guo's wife Zhang Qing and daughter Yang Tianjiao
testified at the hearing.
Several senior members of the US Congressional
Human Rights Commission attended.
They called on China to respect the rights of the people.

Zhang Qing told Voice of America that the main reason
of Guo's arrest this time, is connected with the Southern
Weekly's new year greeting incident.

Guo participated and made a speech at a public protest.