【禁闻】挑战“习八条”? 吴官正高调回乡

















采访编辑/常春 后制/李勇

Former High Official Wu Guanzheng Challenges Xi Jinping's Rules

Wu Guanzheng is a former Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) Politburo Standing Committee member, and former
Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Wu recently visited his hometown in Jiangxi, where
the local government welcomed him with firecrackers.
The highly decorated streets, and events welcoming Wu
exceeded those Xi Jinping received during his official trip.
This high profile event was prior to the Third
Plenary Session of the CCP 18th Central Committee.
Analysts believe Wu's intention was
to confront Xi Jinping, and his 8 rules.

Last year, Xi Jinping spoke of "8 rules"
to improve the image of official's.
This included phasing out luxury foreign cars, simplifying the
reception of officials, with no banners or cheering crowds.

75-year-old Wu Guanzheng visited his hometown
in Yugan County, Jiangxi Province on November 2.
His wife and family accompanied him. Local Yugan
officials welcomed Wu by decorating the streets.
When they arrived, firecrackers went off along
the streets, which were guarded by police.

Luxury cars, such as models of Ferrari,
Porsche, Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, and Audi,
were seen within Wu Guanzheng's fleet.

Street lamps, which were usually
switched off, were kept on that day.
Local officials also arranged for nearly ten
thousand people to welcome Wu's arrival.

Reporters called Yugan County city hall.

Two officials claimed that they didn't know anything
about it, because they were not there that day.
Another official acknowledged indirectly about the
welcoming event but claimed it was initiated by citizens.

Hong Kong based Ming Pao reports that Wu Guanzheng
has promoted opposing polices, in comparison to Xi Jinping.

Xing Tianxin, commentator: "Corruption
has become a tradition in the regime.
During Jiang Zemin's era, it was clearly present.

Wu Guanzheng's hometown visit demonstrated how
local officials have ignored Xi Jinping's 8 rules.
Together with the political actions of Xi Jinping and
Wang Qishan in the new leadership, this shows the
presence of high-level infighting within the CCP."

Xing Tianxin said that local officials do not
adhere to Xi Jinping's recommendations.
Wu Guanzheng is such an example, as even though he
no longer holds a post, the events that welcomed him
back into his hometown break Xi and Li's leadership rules.

Xing Tianxin: "In the arena of power struggles, Wu
has a deep political root within Jiang Zemin's faction.
This deep-rooted corrupt bureaucracy surely
imposes opposition to Xi and Li's leadership."

New York based Epoch Times previously reported that
Wu Guanzheng earned his political prowess by kowtowing
to the former Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin.

Website minghui.org also revealed that in a Politburo
meeting on June 7, 1999, Jiang Zemin decided to start
the persecution of Falun Gong at a pilot site in Shandong.

Wu Guanzheng, who was then provincial Party Secretary
of Shandong, carried out the persecution order immediately.

Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Xingwu
was a Professor of Physics in Shandong.
At the age of 70, he and his wife were both persecuted
by Shandong officials because they practiced Falun Gong.

Zhang Shuangying, daughter of Professor Zhang: "They were
sent to a brainwashing center, to prison, and a detention center.
They were deprived of sleep, food and access to a toilet.

On two occasions, they were subjected to forced brainwashing
for 6 consecutive days and nights, without any sleep.
My mother was completely paralyzed on her left side
of her body, but they still continued to torture her."

On October 27, 2003, Wu Guanzheng was sued in
Cyprus, an island at the junction of Europe and Asia,
for crimes against humanity, torture and Genocide.

On April 17, 2007, on Wu Guanzheng's visit to Spain,
he was once again sued on the same accounts.

Analysis suggests that what Jiang Zemins faction fears most is
the full exposure of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Jiang's faction uses the survival of the Communist
regime as an excuse to conduct political fights
against Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and Xi Jinping.

The purpose is to continue his persecution, and avoid the faction
crumbling, by trying to extend the term of their political power.

Xing Tianxin believes that internal power struggles
have intensified within the Communist Party.
Wu Guanzheng's opposition of Xi's
eight rules is just tip of the iceberg .

Interview & Edit / Chang Chun Post-production /