【禁闻】党校暗藏KTV 为谁服务

【新唐人2013年11月07日讯】一则关于陕西省某贫困县党校暗藏豪华KTV的消息,在微博曝光后引发众怒,民众纷纷质问:“这是谁的福利?”在舆论压力下,当局迅速回应说:党校为了 “盘活闲置资产”,将闲置房屋对外承包,KTV是由承包商出资改造,与党校无关。但官方的解释依然没能平息民愤,质疑声浪反倒越发高涨。
















采访编辑/张天宇 后制/葛雷

KTV Inside Party School: Who Benefits?

A party school's luxury karaoke TV (KTV) in a poverty
stricken county, in Shanxi was exposed on Weibo microblog.
The news provoked public outrages. People questioned:
“Who has benefited from it?”
Under public pressure, the local regime quickly responded:
“The Party School rent 'idle properties' out, the businessmen
changed it into a Karaoke Box, nothing to do with the school.

However, this explanation couldn't calm down public anger
but fueled it up instead.

On Nov. 4, Tencent netizen “Mao Wei”, was identified
by Weibo as a reporter of Shanxi Countryside.
He posted that there isn't any sign outside Liubao County
Party School, Hanzhong City, Shanxi.
However, a luxury KTV business was hidden on the second
floor of the office building.
Each private room can hold dozens of people.

Netizens questioned what kind of people KTV provides
entertainment to.
Is it acceptable to open a KTV inside the party school?

The exposure was widely reposted online, all the comments
condemned the local regime.
Some netizens questioned: “Prior to this, Liuba County
Primary School has a luxury hotel, sources said it was
instructed to be set up by the county party secretary.

Yet who has instructed luxury KTV in party school?”

A Sina's mobile phone user posted an ironic poem:

“Fine wine in luminous glasses, if we are drunk, there is KTV,
holding hands of pretty girls returning late at night,
officials abusing power and taking bribes,
once corruption is exposed they flee abroad.”

The local propaganda department responded to the
outraged public on November 5.
It claimed that in order to fully revitalize the idle assets,
the party school contracted properties to the business traders.
They changed it to leisure services with three karaoke rooms.
They hold a full license.

Liuba County party school staff said: “Didn't our website tell
you? It is for tapping the idle assets.
They will contract the school hotel to businessmen.
They operate it independently, nothing to do with us.”

The public criticized the officials' claims that nobody
would believe them.
Do they think the publics' IQ is as low as their level?

Some people mocked that “the party school rent the
properties out on the surface, yet operateit internally.”
A local resident posted on Baidu: “The majority of the local
people know the inside story of party school's KTV.
Who runs it, what relations do they have with officials,
the residents know about it.

Netizen “Tang Xianxing” says that
the propaganda department is lying.
However, it reveals a fact that many properties of
state units are idle.
It is common practice that their assets allocation had exceeded
a standard level, some even have an open standard.

On this issue, netizens repeatedly posted similar events.

E.g. they posted that an electricity supplier in Sha'anxi
provides massage and mahjong rooms in the office building.
A party school in Gansu Province has a gym,
a county government has double beds in the office.
A party school has a hotel inside school.

Regarding Liuba County's KTV license, a reporter of the
Shaanxi Television investigated that this KTV business
neither has industrial and commercial business license,
nor culture business permission.
Its fire safety assessment has never been officially checked.
However, they have operated the business over a year.

Liuba County party school responded that KTV is located
1.5 kilometers away from the county center.
There are only a few residential properties around.

KTV only opens in the evening,
it didn't disturb any school order.

Party school staff: “The KTV says they open
at 8 o'clock in the evening.
We are separated from them, our offices are on the first floor.”

About this, staff of Liuba County Material Company located
50 meters away from the party school say different things.

Staff: “The KTV always opens. I usually go there during the
day, also in the afternoon, always some customers inside.”

The reporter interviewed local residents and found that
KTV is located in the rural areas.
People only heard about party school KTV,
but they had never been.
If so, where does KTV's business come from? From google
maps we can see the party school is near national roads.
The nearby buildings were not residential houses.

They were the county regime, taxation bureau, court,
police station, environmental protection bureau, disciplinary
department and other governmental organs.

It is clear that they are whom the KTV services are for.

Netizens wrote: “The disciplinary department fights unhealthy
habits of drinking and eating from the center government to
the countryside.

Songs spread from party school, singing, eating and playing.
Let alone build a corruption free government.”
