【禁闻】因发贴被刑拘 甘肃少年网爆遭酷刑
















采访/陈汉 编辑/田净 后制/郭敬

Teenager Tortured for Posting Online

Yang Hui, a junior high school student from
Zhangjiachuan Autonomous County in Gansu Province,
was placed in criminal detention for online posting.
This has caused widespread concern.
Yang recently posted on his blog that he was tortured,
but his blog has been deleted.
Yang’s lawyer tried to apply for state compensation,
and sue some staff members involved in Yang’s case.
Let’s see the following report.

In September, Yang Hui posted on his blog
about the unnatural death of a man.
He was arrested by police for disturbing public order.
After the police were pressured to withdraw his criminal
detention, he was detained for seven days and then
released on Sept. 23rd.

On Nov. 10, Yang Hui wrote on his blog that he was
beaten by a few policemen during his detention.
However, his blog was deleted on Nov. 11.

Yang Hui: “On Sept. 17, when I was interrogated
in the Public Security, someone asked me
to sit on an interrogating chair.

I said that I was a student and not an adult yet,
so I don’t need to sit in this chair.
One policeman hit me and another kicked me
a few times.”

According to Yang, several policemen abused him.
One even threatened to kill him if he could not recall
every word in his three posts; another wanted to hang
him up and beat him.

Since last August, Chinese authorities used Internet
rumors to attack Internet VIP’s and dissidents.
In September, Supreme Courts and Supreme People’s
Procuratorates introduced a new judicial interpretation.
Rumors that have been forwarded 500 times could
constitute three years of imprisonment.

When Yang Hui questioned, in his blog posts,
why nothing was done for a man’s unnatural death,
he was arrested for spreading rumors online—
the very first case.

The torture of Yang has caused serious concern.
Some people demanded a response from authorities.
Some question why Yang disclosed his torture so late.

Yang said that the director of Public Security
was dismissed because of this incident
and he was afraid of retaliation.
In addition, authorities have brainwashed him.

Yang Hui: “The first two days after my release, they told
me that it serves no good purpose to tell the outside world.
Those lawyers who want to defend me are only doing it
for their own gain. I believe what they said.”

Yang also mentioned in his blog, “I feel that I must tell
the truth and then I feel safe.
The more I am afraid of them, the worse they become.”

However, some netizens say that Yang bringing
this up now is just to create additional hype.

Yang Hui: “Some say that I am being used, but I post all
my blogs. No one tells me to do it.”
Yu Fe-Zhu, Yang’s attorney, says that it is illegal
to torture children.”

Yu Fe-Zhu: “I believe it is wrong and inhumane.
From his reaction I believe he is telling the truth.
According to our law, torturing children constitutes
a crime.”

Yu said that they are asking for state compensation
for the seven days of detention and
also suing the personnel involved
in physically abusing Yang.