【禁闻】亲家遭起底 公布周永康案水到渠成















采访/常春 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

Zhou Yongkang Family Connected to Corruption Case

Chinese media recently exposed Wu Bing,
keepr of Zhou Yongkang's family finances.
Wu is known as the richest man in Sichuan,
but thought to be only a puppet for Zhou.
Behind his Zhongxu Investment Corporation empire are the
mysterious figures related to Zhou Yongkang's son Zhou Bin.
This includes his wife, his mother-in-law
Zhan Minli and father-in-law Huang Yusheng.
Exposure of this link is believed to be an attempt
to further undermine Zhou Yongkang's power.
Publically releasing details of Zhou's
court case if predicted to be the next step.

A recent China Business Journal article
was entitled, "Wu Bing: The Puppet Regal?"
It stated that since the arrest of Wu Bing last August,
Wu's business network has gradually emerged.
This exposure took place during the anti-corruption
campaign in PetroChina and the Sichuan officialdom.

According to the article, Wu Bing was
able to build his Zhongxu Empire.
It dealt with real estate, utilities, highways, oil,
banks and even television and entertainment.
This is thought to be due to connections to people
from high places, such as Zhan Minli, Zhou Bin,
Huang Yusheng and Zhou's wife Huang Wan.

In 2001, Wu Bing established
Zhongxu Investment Corporation.
Together with Zhan Minli's holding company, they
had won a number of major projects in Sichuan.
This included a power station in Ya'an,
Sichuan, at the cost of over 5.3 billion yuan.
Later, Zhan Minli withdrew from Sichuan.

Zhan established the real Zhongxu
Empire in Beijing, with the focus on oil.
Wu Bing's role at Zhongxu has since been weakened.

In 2004, Zhan Minli invested 4 million yuan, to establish
Beijing-based Zhongxu Sunshine Energy Technology.
On December 30, 2009, Zhan transferred 16 million
in equity to a 37-year-old Beijing resident Zhou Bin.
Two months later, at the general meeting, Zhou Bin held
80% of the shares, and became chairman of the board.
Huang Yusheng was a board member,
and Zhan Minli acted as supervisor.
In December 2012, Huang Wan, a U.S. citizen passport
holder, replaced Zhou Bin and served as chairman.

Media confirmed that Wu Bing is only directly
related to one subsidiary of the Zhongxu Empire.
The rest of the Empire has been completely controlled
by Zhan Minli, Huang Yusheng, Huang Wan and Zhou Bin.
Hudong, China's largest wiki site, has recently
made photos of Zhou Bin's in-laws available on line.

Chinese social issue analyst Zhang Jian
indicates Zhou Yongkang is like a nuclear bomb.
The Communist regime's progressive approach to releasing
news of Zhou Yongkang is thought to avoid any potential
chain reaction of official claims on Zhou Yongkang's case.

Zhang Jian, Chinese social issue analyst: "In fact,
the CCP has adopted a never before seen tactic.
It is releasing in-depth, widespread news, so that it won't
cause as much disturbance when Zhou's case is exposed."

The International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists (ICIJ) published a report on the January 21.
At least five current and former Politburo Standing
Committee members own offshore companies in
the British Virgin Islands and the Cook Islands.

This is according to a secret document.

The interesting thing in the data is that major corrupt
officials such as Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong,
and Zhou Yongkang are missing from those listed.

In a January 22 meeting, the leadership
team for comprehensively deepening
reforms appointed their deputy heads.

This includes Li Keqiang, Liu Yunshan, and Zhang Gaoli.

Li was placed as first deputy, followed by the Liu and
Zhang, who both have a connection to Jiang Zemin.
This arrangement is believed to be Xi Jinping's
gesture, to superficially honor Jiang Zemin's faction.
This is only so that the faction
can be removed at a later date.
The replacement is likely to be high-ranking
officials belonging to the Youth League faction.

On January 23, the ICIJ exposed
Zhou Yongkang's corrupt sources.
This includes Chinese oil giants (Sinopec,
PetroChina and CNOOC), which are
closely related to offshore financial centers.

Zhang Jian believes that while engaging in
the battle against the opponents, the Jiang
faction will abandon Zhou Yongkang if necessary.

Zhang Jian: "The Jiang faction may
eventually abandon Zhou Yongkang.
Or they may trade him with Xi and Li to protect the faction
from being investigated for their crimes against humanity."

According to commentator Zhang Sutian's analysis
on Sound of Hope Radio, that the deputy list for the
reform group is a trump card that Xi Jinping is playing.

In fact, when Jiang faction's military coup plan
was exposed and Bo Xilai was jailed, any room
for negotiation between the two sides had gone.

Interview/ChangChun Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ChenJianming