【禁闻】2014年房价预跌50% 任志强首提风险

















采访/常春 编辑/陈洁 后制/郭敬

Chinese Realtor: 2014 Real Estate Risk Falling Prices

The Chinese real estate market was booming last year.

However, real estate tycoons and experts have different views
on the Chinese market for 2014.

Beijing Huayuan Property Chairman Ren Zhiqiang discussed
real estate risk using more than a decade of real estate career

Economist Andy Xie predicted a 50% fall of the Chinese
property market value.

Last year, new property prices rose in 69 cities except one.

The annual increase rate was more than 20% in Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.

As many as 71 real estates have made over 10 billion yuan in
sales last year, six even made more than 100 billion yuan.

Beijing Huayuan Property Chairman Ren Zhiqiang revealed
his worry over real estate on January 21 at a real estate event.

Even though the Chinese realtors believe the market will remain
the same gains as last year, he said, “I have done more than
10 years of real estate reports. This year, for the first time,
I am talking about the risk.”

He predicted that sales growth in 2014 may be less than 10%.

In a summit on Jan. 18, Ren Zhiqiang pointed out that, central
government's control policy errors have led to a gradual
deterioration of supply and demand, the decline in the price
increases this year is inevitable.

Dalian Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin also indicated
sales have staggered in many second-tier cities, with the slow
down on demand, the price is unlikely to soar this year.

In an exclusive interview with Chinese Business Wisdom,
economist Andy Xie said that the last wave of the real estate
bubble was pushed up against money lending.

The real estate prices will not stand in the face of cash flow
Issues and he predicted that house prices will drop by 50%.

Economist Yang Bin believes the unreasonable real estate
prices are doomed to fall but, not so easily.

Yang Bin, economist: "China's housing prices have been a
growing bubble.

Prices in Beijing have been exaggerated and unreasonably
higher than similar in the United States.

Is it going to be 1024? Even if the price drops, I believe it will
be in the second half of the year.

It is not so simple. It has been going like this for these years.
No one can resolve it and this is the Chinese characteristic."

Economist Su Yushi analyzes the four reasons contributing to
the formation of the housing bubble in China.

"Firstly, it is the high growth in economy.

Secondly, uneven distribution of income, thirdly a lack of
investment means for the wealthy people.

Fourth is the market has been monopolized due to the land
policy. The 50% price fall means the burst of the bubble.

That will be very bad for the construction industry.
Millions of people will lose their jobs.

Both upstream and downstream of the real estate industry
will be affected. The entire GDP will go down."

Senior estate planner Hui Hu recently published a blog titled:
"The land feast makes local government the Tyrant" stating
rapid real estate development in China has made it's economy
thrive in the world.

Chinese Academy of Governance Professor Xu Zhengzhong
also recently told the media that the urbanization governed by
the regime indeed drove real estate.

Under the current system, the mass local fiscal expenditure
has relied on enormous financing platforms.

To pay back the debt, real estate has become the alternative
fiscal and cash machine, and even the main financial source
and cash cow for some places.

Andy Xie believed that China's real estate bubble bursting
is a good thing.

Yang Bin also says that the high prices only benefits
developers and local governments.

Yang Bin: "I want the bubble to fail. We all hope it will fail.

It's too unreasonable. The average Chinese lifetime income
can't manage to buy a house.

The government works with the developers. They make the
profit, one sells the land, and the other make the money.

They monopolize the industry and deprive people of their
life-time hard work.

The high price has seriously affected the spending power of
China. The house prices kill the entire spending power."

According to official estimates, local governments and banks
received 4.8 trillion yuan revenue from real estate in 2012.

This accounted for 75% of the total real estate sales
of 6.4 trillion yuan.

It has become an indisputable fact that local governments
charge exceedingly high land transfer rates and taxes.

The Economist magazine recently reported that some of
China's biggest property moguls appear to be growing uneasy.

Wang Shi, the chairman of China Vanke, the country's largest
residential property firm by volume, and Li Ka-Shing, a Hong
Kong tycoon, have both taken contingency measures to
deal with the bubble market.

Interview/ChangChun Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/GuoJing