【禁闻】评“王张会” 学者:台湾与狼共舞



美国前哥伦比亚大学访问学者、政治分析家陈破空:“台湾的当权者跟中共走近,这个不仅违背了和中国人民抗共的潮流相反,而且,跟世界围堵中共的国 际形势也相反,因为中共现在跟周边国家是四面树敌,四面楚歌,没有一个国家喜欢中共,它跟周边国家交恶,显示了一个独裁政权的一个霸权嘴脸,这样的情况下,我就说台湾,也就是说现在的台湾当权者,是在与狼共舞。”














采访编辑/常春 后制/李勇

Cross Strait Meeting: Taiwan Dances with Wolves

The recent Shanghai meeting between Taiwan's Mainland
Affairs Council Minister Wang Yu-chi and China's Director of
Taiwan Affairs Office of State Council, Zhang Zhijun, was the
highest level of official talks between the two governments
since 1949.

This meeting also bought up the more than 60 years of cross
Strait political issues.
Taiwan's move to get close contact with Beijing is commented
on as "Dances with Wolves".

The 2 hour-meeting between Wang and Zhang ended on the
13th in Shanghai.
This is their second meeting after their first meeting in Nanjing
on the 11th.

Chen Pokong, political analyst: "Taiwan authorities' close
contact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is not only
violating the anti-Communism of the Chinese people, but also
opposing international containment of the CCP.
The CCP is besieged on all sides. The neighboring countries
have all regarded it as the enemy, for its dictatorship and
hegemonic attitude in the world political arena.
Under such circumstances, I would say Taiwan, i.e., the Taiwan
authorities, is dancing with wolves."

Although the agenda of the meeting was business, political
issues are generally believed to imply and pave the way for
future leadership meetings between the two sides.

Taiwan's incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou, with his
remaining two and a half years of term, is seeking his
"historical position" and ambitious to reverse the less than
10% public support by pushing forward his meeting with the
CCP leader, Xi Jinping.

Political analyst Chen Pokong comments that Ma Ying-jeou
needs to put aside his personal interest, defend Taiwan's dignity
and uphold democracy and justice to earn his historical position,
rather than standing side by side with the CCP, the dictator
who deprives Chinese of basic human rights.

Right before the meeting, the CCP staged a brutal and rude drama:
Reject reporter visa to journalists of Taiwan's Apple Daily and
Radio Free Asia of America.

Chen Pokong: "This is obviously CCP's gangster logic: Live if
obey, die if disobey.
They deal with the democratic entity, Taiwan, but suppress
democracy and freedom of the press. It is a selective rejection.
The two sides are not unified yet, the CCP is already so blatant
during the dialogue and exchanges cross Strait, by killing press
Should this be allowed to continue, once the two sides are unified,
Taiwan falls under the control of the CCP, Taiwan's democracy
and freedom are bond to disastrous damages."

Logically, in order to defend freedom of the press, Wang Yu-chi
should have withdrawn in protest.
However, the Ma administration compromised and Wang Yu-chi
still attended the meeting.
Chen Pokong comments that the meeting signals Taiwan's
surrender to the dictator.

Zhang Jian, political commentator: "What Ma Ying-jeou should
do is to ponder over his mistakes and think hard how to improve
Taiwan's position in the international community and elevate
Taiwan people's rights in China.
This is what he should do, rather than sending a delegation of
high specification to work hand in glove with the CCP."

Accordingly, China's Taiwan Affairs Office had indicated that
no political issues are involved in the meeting, but the press
release after the meeting stated the consensus in the meeting,
"oppose Taiwan independence", and "insist on 1992 consensus".
Not only did Wang Yu-chi show no objection against the claims
at the meeting, but also the opposition parties in Taiwan did not
question or condemn the statement.

Commentators are concerned with the subsequent international
effect of these claims.

After WWII, the conflict between the Kuomintang (KMT)
and the CCP was increasingly intensified.
On October 10, 1945, both parties negotiated and signed the
"Double Tenth Agreement."

At that time, the CCP deceived the KMT by false talk and real hit.
During the 41 days of negotiation between KMT Chairman
Chiang Kai-shek and CCP leader Mao Zedong, the CCP conducted
real battle against the KMT and occupied more than 200 KMT
military bases.

After the signing of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement
(ECFA), Taiwan's economy has not only kept sluggish, rather
than picking up as promised by the ECFA, but also become a
flaw to Ma Ying-jeou's government.

60 years later, the CCP once again deceived the Kuomintang.
It is hoped that the Ma administration can tell right from
wrong, and refrain from attempting the impossible.
Otherwise, Ma will finally lose the entire nation.

Taiwan's opposition parties are also called upon by society to
seriously pay attention to the after effect of this official meeting
of both sides, and urge the Congress to pass the "Regulations
on Cross Strait issues" to guard the negotiations across the Strait.

Interview & Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/LiYong
