



据了解,刘迎霞15岁参军当卫生兵,退役两年后,不到20岁的刘迎霞在1992年创建了“翔鹰集团”。 2002年,刘迎霞当上黑龙江省政协委员、及省工商联副会长。2003年刘迎霞成为全国政协会议上的第一位商人。





刘迎霞还是全国工商联副主席、全国青联常委、黑龙江工商联副主席,此外,她还曾荣获“ 全国杰出创业女性”等称号。







采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李勇

Sacked Businesswoman Liu Yingxia Has Ties To The Oil Faction

After Mainland "Beauty Magnate" Liu Yingxia was dismissed from the membership titles of Heilongjiang Province People's Political Consultative Conference (HPPPCC),many mainland media found the company with one hundred million yuan assets ($US 16,2 million) and her titles of professor and master degree diploma
were all fake.

The Director of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Wang Lijun, who was heavily sentenced to jail last year,established an, "On-Site Psychology Research Center",which has no office place.So how much true value doses the halo of such professors,experts and researchers have? What sort of social environment offers
them such opportunities? Let's watch this program.

In recent days, mainland-based Legal Daily and Zhengzhou Evening News found the magnate Liu Yingxia,who was dismissed from the title of HPPPCC on 20th February,
established a shell company, Ha'Erbin Xiangying Group Corporation Limited, which has no office space in Ha'Erbin City.

Meanwhile, Dalian University of Technology denies Liu Yingxia was a part-time professor of the university,and Heilongjiang Federation of Industry and Commerce (HFIC)also denies Liu Yingxia as the identity of the Deputy Chairman of the Federation.

In addition to this, Liu Yingxia's master degree diploma of Beijing University cannot be verified in the Graduate School of Beijing University.

According to an investigation, Liu Yingxia joined the army as a nurse when she was 15 years old.Two years after she left the army, she created the Xiangying Group in 1992, when she was less than 20 years old.In 2002, Liu Yingxia became a member of HPPPCC and the Deputy Chairperson of HFIC. In 2003, Liu Yingxia became a first merchant with a membership in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In the Mainland Top Ten Female Magnates in 2002 public appraisal organized by mainland media had Liu Yingxia ranked No. 8.

In 2006, Liu Yingxia was on the, "2006 Hoogewerf Mainland China Rich List" with 100 million yuan ($US 16.2 million) assets.

Political commentator Li Shanjian: She joined the army as a 15 year old and the education she received must have been very limited.

Before she was punished, why don't all the people speak-up about the truth?
In China, the establishment of a company has to go through many governmental departments including registration, annual inspection, paying taxes etc.

So a normal company can easily be terminated even if it operates in a normal way,but a shell company can gracefully exist for so many years.So I have to say, such a social mechanism is suffering a very serious disease.

It is reported that Liu Yingxia's assets and current status,are connected with the investigated officials from the "Oil Faction" and "Jilin Faction".

In March 2012, during "Two Major National Conferences held in Beijing", the Director of Urban Infrastructure Chamber of Commerce Liu Yingxia held a high-profile launching ceremony of the Urban Infrastructure Facilities Fund
in Diaoyutai National Hotel.

Some attendees of the ceremony included Tao Liming,who was dismissed from the title of President of Postal Savings Bank of China, and Wen Qingshan,
the Director of Financial Assets Department of PetroChina.The Fund was based on its first capital 2.5 billion yuan ($US 407 million) comprising of 1 billion ($US 163 million) from PetroChina and 0.6 billion ($US 98 million) from
Postal Savings Bank of China.

Liu Yingxia is crowned with many other titles including the Deputy Chairperson of National Federation of Industry and Commerce,Standing Member of National Youth Federation, the Deputy Chairperson of HFIC, and "Outstanding National Female Entrepreneur".

Mainland Internet writer Jin Chu: The current official field is featured with typical adverse elimination.A good person cannot have a promising future
whereas those corrupted and ignoble people can develop themselves very well, which is the so called Chinese socialist characteristic.

In 2012, NTD made some investigations and found,there are only two "On-site Psychology Research Centres"affiliated to the Chinese police system.

One is the On-site Psychology Research Centre of Jingzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau chaired by Wang Lijun, and the On-site Psychology Research Centre of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau and Southwest University chaired by Wang Lijun, who also has the title of professor and supervisor of PhD candidates.

The first Research Centre disappeared along with Wang Lijun relocated to Chongqing City. The newly established Research Centre in Chongqing has also
been prevented from recruiting any students.As a matter of fact, the two research centers have no other experts excluding Wang Lijun. Wang Lijun has just a junior high school certificate and became a so-called professor, researcher
and forensic medical expert in these two centers.

Li Shanjian: when a person without experiencing advanced education can scam in society by gaining the title of a professor or a scholar,then what about the situations of those true academic professors or scholars?

The scholar title of Wang Lijun has not been investigated by reporters in mainland China. But the stories of Liu Yingxia similarly with only a junior
high school certificate have been widely reported.

The review on Beijing News says, a beautiful woman with an unclear background, operates unclear industries,and shows herself off with glamorous social
and political titles to the public.This is not a "one-off case".

Interview & Edit/Liuhui Post-Production/LiYong