【禁闻】联合国吁制止朝鲜践人权 中共袒护
















采访编辑/李韵 后制/孙宁

The CCP Involved Itself in the UN's Call for North Korea
to Stop Human Rights Abuses

On Monday, United Nations investigators challenged
the international community to take immediate and urgent
action to stop what they call North Korea's unspeakable
atrocities against its population based on the February DPRK
human rights report.
They urged the international community to submit the DPRK
human rights abuse cases to the International Criminal Court.
However, the CCP claims the report is false.

Commentators believe the reason the CCP has involved itself
with the criticism of North Korea is because its brutal
persecution to its own citizens is far more than
North Korea's brutality.

In an impassioned plea before the Human Rights Council
in Geneva on Monday, Inquiry Commission Chairman
Michael Kirby criticized the international community
for its indifference in the face of horrendous yet credible
accounts of suffering endured by the people of North Korea.

He accused North Korea of unspeakable atrocities, likening
them to the Nazi terror.
He said the world can no longer remain oblivious
and fail to act against the monstrous crimes being
committed with impunity by Pyongyang.

The report, released last month, documents the testimony
of hundreds of witnesses who spoke of extermination,
enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions
and other sexual violence.

The Inquiry Commission recommends North Korea
be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
The report said that North Korean officials and even
the supreme leader Kim Jong-un himself should face trial
in the ICC.

But the CCP refused to accept the UN human rights report
which condemns North Korea's crimes against humanity.
The CCP declared that the report is unrealistic
and that it falsely accuses DPRK.

Ivan Simonovic, U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for
Human Rights, said his office supports an ICC referral
and that the report could play a role in a future prosecution.

Mainland rights movement website promoter Hu Jun pointed
out that the reason the CCP involved itself in the North Korea
situation is because they are an accomplice; the CCP
has committed cruel, inhumane crimes against its own people.

Mainland rights movement promoter Hu Jun: "Every crime
against humanity committed by the Koreans took place
with the cooperation of the CCP.
Over the years, how much did the CCP take from the Chinese
people to support Kim Jong in suppressing Korean people?
How many defectors were repatriated by China?
That was cruel persecution from CCP and Korea."

The report also criticized Beijing for repatriating
North Korean defectors.
The report said under the circumstances some repatriated
defectors face the threat of immediate execution under
Kim Jong-un's rule.

Hu Jun: "The CCP itself has committed numerous crimes
such as the establishment of black jails, as well as killing
and abducting people.
Every day, they persecute people, kill Uyghurs, Falun
Gong practitioners, and dissidents.
They commit many murders under the world's nose."

Political commentator Hong Wei pointed out that the CCP's
persecution of its own citizens is far more than North Korea
regardless of the brutal and cruel degree or the quantity.

Political commentator Hong Wei: "Especially Jiang's (Zemin)
criminal groups—including the army, police, courts,
public security, labor camps, police stations, prisons, 610
criminal organizations and all levels of officials—committed
organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

They turned Falun Gong practitioners into industrial
raw material by forming an organ harvesting pipeline
from the labor camp to the hospital, then to the corpse
processing factory.

In his book The Xinjiang Procedure, US journalist
Ethan Gutmann points out it is very common
for the CCP to harvest organs from executed people
in Xinjiang.

From the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong
in 1999 to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the CCP performed
live organ harvesting on about 65,000 Falun Gong

Hu Jun said that the CCP is an accomplice to North Korea.
Once there is a trial of a communist fascist country in the
international court, the Communist Party can't evade the law.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Sun Ning
