【禁闻】小心! 公积金吞金黑洞

















采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李勇

Caution! Housing fund is a blackhole

In recent years, criticism of the housing fund is increasing
including such complaints as:
“public housing fund is not owned by the public”,
“public housing fund is difficult to extract
and has limited upvaluation” from the ordinary people
to those attendees of two major conferences.
The public criticism is that the fund was designed to cope with
the difficulties of affordable houses for ordinary people,
but now the fund has become the butter
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
used for grabbing private interests.

The black hole of corruption and embezzlement related
to the fund is speeding out of control.
The experts point out, as long as the housing fund is still
controlled by the CCP Authority, then it is forever
impossible to realize the addition of real value.

On the contrary, it is even possible for ordinary people
to lose all the housing fund paid.

According to domestic media reports,
the public increasingly questions the phenomenon
of “hibernated” housing fund.

In 2012, of the 180 billion RMB housing fund
in Beijing and Shanghai, and 88 billion RMB
housing fund in Guangzhou, 10-15% is hibernated.

Along with the ongoing soaring property prices of three cities,
the housing fund deposit for
buying a house becomes a drop in the ocean.

Housing fund in the Mainland is the deposit paid
by the employers and employees, and reserved
for long term housing related expenses.

The housing fund policy is mandatory.
Both employers and employees have the obligation
to pay into the housing fund according to the regulations.

Housing fund is uniformly managed
by Housing Fund Management Centre,
an administrative department of Government.

But in recent years, the voices saying
“Housing fund is not owned by the public” are increasing.
In February, in the Two Major Conference in Guangzhou City,
Cao Zhiwei, the member of Guangzhou Municipal
People's Political Consultative Conference (PPCC),
says that housing fund has become a tool for
robbing the poor and funding the rich.

He said, housing fund cannot be used
for saving a patient´s life, and can possibly be used
for buying a burial place only after the patient dies.

According to relevant national ministries,
up to the end of 2008, the total housing fund
reached 1200 billion RMB.

Such a massive scale of housing fund has been saved there,
but the house buyers could not
extract their own housing fund.

To access housing fund needs the help of agents.

According to the report, a total agent fee of 4300 RMB
was charged for drawing out 100,000 RMB housing fund.

Mainland youth writer Ge Shuchun:
“an interest chain has been formed,
and this is like the scalper who is active
nearby the vehicle administrative department,
and the scalper is collaborating with the inside staff.

Then he can become a scalper.
This is an institutional problem.
There is no way to solve it.
Because there is no monitoring, this offers
an opportunity for corrupt officials to exploit. ”

It is reported that, in order to apply for a housing fund loan,
it is necessary to provide “five certificates
and one document” of the property developer,
as well as the applicant´s registered residential status,
marriage, income, contract of buying property,
mortgage guarantee etc.
If all of these documents cannot be provided
in a required timeframe,
then the application will be refused.

In addition, loan application procedure is very complicated.
The application has to be reviewed and double checked
by the housing fund management centre and bank.

This is even more complicated than
applying for housing loans from a commercial bank.

Even after all documents are ready, the amount
of a housing loan is very limited.
The borrower has to pay a monthly matched housing fund
in addition to using the bought property as a mortgage.
Prior to the loan being fully paid, the housing fund
paid during the loan period will be only used for mortgage
without a permission for extracting and repaying the loan.

But the added value of housing fund is not owned
by the owner, it is owned
by the housing management centre.

Ge Shuchun: “I did extract my housing fund.
They need this document, that certificate
as well as many formalities.

This is a serious waste of time. It´s fairly complicated.
A successful application is rare.
So I had to look for an agent and then it is simple.

I just need to give the agent's identity and related documents,
then after one day, I got the money.”

Gong Shengli, a lead researcher of Guo Qing Nei Can Journal
in Beijing, says: “Housing fund is very troublesome.
It is easy for the officials to use the fund,
and even some officials can freely use it at a word.
So if the housing fund is only managed by the government,
then it will never play the role it should play.”

On the other hand, cases of corruption
and embezzlement related to housing fund
happen without cease.

By 2000, within 6 years, 15 million of housing fund paid
by 9000 employees in Xiao County of Anhui Province
was reduced to 1.7 million and
all the rest disappeared without trace.

In 2006, the case of Li Shubiao, the former Director
of Housing Fund Management Centre of
Chenzhou City of Hunan Province, was heard in the court
for embezzlment and corrupt use of public funds.
According to the accusation from the local procuratorate,
the total fund misappropriated by Li Shubiao
was more than 100 million RMB.

Professor Frank Xie of School of Business Administration
of University of South Carolina Aiken:
“When ordinary Chinese people buy properties,
they actually only buy the right to use rather than ownership.
The CCP always cheats the people in this respect.
The housing fund is in fact another act
of exploiting the ordinary people
by CCP interest groups.”

According to report, in 2004, Chongqing city had
3.5 billion RMB housing fund.
But only 500 million RMB was used
for paying housing mortgage loans.
Whereas in one western city, of a total of 270 million RMB
housing fund, only 26 million housing fund was used
for housing fund loan which accounts for
less than 10% of the total fund.

Interview/Liu Hui Post-Production/Li Yong